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VanessaE commented Dec 21, 2021

Describe your environment

  • Operating system: Debian Bullseye
  • Python Version: 3.9.2
  • CCXT version: 1.62.42
  • Freqtrade Version: develop-56b4457a9

Describe the enhancement

The timing and wording of Freqtrade's Telegram notifications during startup is not really right, regarding when the bot is down versus when it's actually able to trade. In short, the bot tells the u


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zaza81 commented Oct 19, 2021
  • Missing information on how to create other databases
  • Missing information on how to switch to other databases
  • When using time travel, we don’t know where to get the transaction number from - we should show this to the user after committing data (this may be a missing capability in immudb / tools).
  • The last long query example in the quick start is incorrect (incorrect
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🔥🔥 btrace(AKA RheaTrace) is a high performance Android trace tool which is based on Systrace, it support to define custom events automatically during building apk and using bhook to provider more native events like IO.

  • Updated Dec 23, 2021
  • Kotlin

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lukasm91 commented Aug 24, 2019

GTest exports the following targets:

  • GTest::gtest
  • GTest::gtest_main
  • GTest::gmock
  • GTest::gmock_main

This targets should also be available when adding gtest with add_subdirectory (or FetchContent), because this should behave the same way as adding GTest with find_package. So somewhere, we should add the aliases to these targets, i.e.

add_library(GTest::gtest ALIAS 

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binary64 commented Aug 2, 2021

Bug description

On windows, I run prisma format and note the unusual file ending. The lines are all LF, but the very last line is CRLF.

This causes issue on my Linux CI where it formats it ending in LF's only, causing a diff to occur and the build to fail.

How to reproduce

  1. On windows do prisma format
  2. Open in HxD or similar
  3. See attached:


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