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انقري من أجل تابِعي scope
Scope = Equality for disabled people. We won't stop until we achieve a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness.
UKscope.org.ukانضم في فبراير ٢٠٠٩

تغريدات Scope

The government promised £1200 to “the most vulnerable”. But some are falling through the cracks. 💡 We want a social energy tariff that doesn’t exclude people like Karis - people struggling with high energy bills while ineligible for the existing support.
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🎥 Video description: A montage of clips and images showing disabled people doing everyday tasks like working, travelling, or meeting friends. Some show disabled people facing barriers in society, such as physical barriers with transport, or workplaces. 🎞 Videvo & Freepik
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🌍 The social model of disability is a way of viewing the world, that says that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. Not everyone uses the social model though, and that’s ok.
الفيديو المُضمن
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🤔 On one hand, some may feel like disclosing it from the outset could affect them even getting an interview. On the other, many disabled people feel they have no choice but to disclose their condition or impairment, to ensure access needs or reasonable adjustments can be made.
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📧 "Thanks for applying. We regret to inform you that your application was unsuccessful." For many disabled people looking to get into work, this can be a familiar occurrence. As a result, it can impact whether they decide to disclose their condition or impairment🧵
Text asset that reads: "Telling people about your condition or impairment is your choice."
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Hi , Why are you so against disabled children being able to see themselves reflected in their toys? Don't they deserve the right to play?  Weaponising disabled representation like this is hugely damaging.  Please change this headline.
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💡 If your energy bills were cut in half by a social energy tariff, what would it mean for you? 💬 For some of the disabled people and carers we asked, it would mean everything.
Graphic featuring a photo of an assistance dog and an anonymous quote that reads "This would mean that we could keep our assistance dogs."
Graphic featuring a photo of a powered wheelchair and a quote from Paul that reads "I could afford to recharge my wheelchair to socialise and join my friends and family."
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💬 "Autistic is only one thing that I am, and there are very few characteristics I can identify as flowing directly from it. "I know there are times when I get it wrong as a mother, but try showing me a mother who didn't." - 📸 Antonio Olmos - The Observer
Joanne Limburg  sitting in a green chair with a painted portrait of her son next to her.
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💬 "Whereas before I had been infantilised, my children seem to act as an automatic pass to adulthood. "Where I expected motherhood to open me up to even more judgment, it has had the opposite effect." – Lucy Catchpole 📸 Jon Attenborough - The Observer
Lucy and James Catchpole in their garden. Lucy is in her wheelchair as James stands behind her.
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🎥 Video description: Niall talks about the kind of calls he receives as a Scope helpline advisor, and why it’s so important that support is available to disabled people. The video ends with “We’re here for you.”
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💜 We understand how tough the cost-of-living crisis is for disabled people. We know how worried people are. And we’re here for you. Our helpline advisers can listen, and offer guidance and support to disabled people and their families. Don’t struggle alone. Talk to us.
الفيديو المُضمن
١٫٥ ألف من المشاهدات
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💷 Life costs a lot more when you’re disabled. We’re being inundated with calls from disabled people who haven’t eaten for days, who can’t afford energy to charge wheelchairs and stairlifts, but are still racking up huge energy debts.
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📈 You might have seen the news that Centrica, the owner of British Gas, has made record profits of over £3 billion this year. A year where energy bills for disabled customers have reached unsustainable and unaffordable heights.
Text: Energy companies need to start putting disabled customers first.
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What a frustrating and inaccessible way to announce a platform update 🤦‍♀️ This is how someone using a screen-reader experiences tweets like this. Accessibility cannot continue to be an afterthought.
اقتباس التغريدة
Hey @Twitter, we’re not listening to all that... Video is Twitter’s tweet recorded with a screen reader, a tool used by blind and partially sighted people to access the internet. 1/2 twitter.com/Twitter/status…
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الفيديو المُضمن
٢٫٤ ألف من المشاهدات
So, no matter what the world around you is doing or saying, be kind to yourself 💜 🧠 You and your brain are an asset to the world. We need people who think differently and experience the world in different ways. It’s important. And so are you.
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From disbelief to ill-advised suggestions, negative attitudes and myths about ADHD come from all directions. 😫 It can be easy to feel stuck between people that don’t believe you, and those that think there’s an easy ‘fix’. Often, the advice is the same from both.
Screenshot of a phone lock screen with three reminder notifications on it with red bells. They say "Get yourself organised", "put your phone down", and "just meditate".
Screenshot of a phone lock screen with three reminder notifications on it with green bells. They say "Find people who understand", "give yourself time", "you're great as you are".
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Have you ever been on an awkward date? This advice could save you from those cringeworthy moments! 😳 To mark Valentine’s Day, Max has shared their tips on how to date a disabled person 💘
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