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Wall St For Main St

Wall St For Main St

Jason Burack, Mo Dawoud and John Manfreda

Wall St for Main St provides alternative financial information, research, education and consulting to Main Street investors using uncommon wisdom. Our goal is teaching people how to fish for themselves instead of trusting their financial adviser. We interview top investors, traders, money managers, financial commentators, economic experts, authors, CEOs and newsletter writers from around the world to discuss the latest events in the global economy and financial markets.
How do today’s masters create their art? American Masters: Creative Spark presents narrative interviews that go in-depth with an iconic artist about the creation of a single work. Each episode offers a unique window into the world of art and the creative process of artists and cultural icons across a wide range of disciplines, from music and comedy to poetry and film. Explore more at www.pbs.org/creativespark
The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science and the mysteries of our universe. Taking a critically-minded approach to the study of our world, each week Micah presents commentary and discussions with guests on subjects that include mysteries of physics and astronomy, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UFOs, myths and folklore, archaeology and ancient mysteries, artificial intelligence, futurism, cryptozoology, science fiction, and entertainment. Each week ...


New Hampshire Public Radio

In 2018, Josh Cook sold his friend some drugs. They shot up together. His friend overdosed and died. Some people see that as an accident. The government treated it as a homicide. So which is it? Your answer to that - our answer to that - will shape how we address the deadliest overdose crisis in American history. Document Season 3, Death Resulting, debuts Dec. 8, 2021 - subscribe now. More at nhpr.org/document.
Young Smart Money HOSTED BY APPLE CRIDER 🍎 is a Business and Entrepreneurship podcast 🎙 for young entrepreneurs 👶 that contrasts the experiences of startup founders 📈 and social media influencers 📲📷 to help you understand the key differences and determine which appeals to you (if either). 🤷‍♂️💸 Follow along with all things YOUNG SMART MONEY 👶🧠💸 and APPLE CRIDER 🍎 on Instagram @AppleCriderOfficial. Please subscribe to Young Smart Money on iTunes 😍📲 & leave a 5-star review if you gained value ...
Journalists Jeb Lund and David J. Roth step away from real world anxieties and step into the gentle, cornball, consequence-free world of the Hallmark Channel. Each time, we discuss a different Hallmark original movie—from Christmas cheer, to wedding jitters, to junk-store detectives—and break it down into recognizable components of angels, moms, moppets, sugary foods and themed sweaters, and try to make sense of when the stories veer away from comfort films and land in the uncanny valley. We ...
Lost Hills investigates the dark side of Malibu, California. Beneath a seductive facade, this city of billionaires, celebrities, and surf bums is hiding something menacing. Season 2 takes place in the late 70s and early ‘80s, as Malibu was changing from a low-profile beach town into a celebrity haven, full of new money and hard drugs. When a Malibu woman and her son mysteriously drowned, her husband was arrested for their murders—and ultimately convicted. But to this day, many people—includi ...
Kathleen Goldhar was so happy her friend Arya had finally found someone after a bad divorce. Mordechai Horowitz seemed perfect. Smart. Rich. Creative. But like so many things that seem to be perfect - it was too good to be true. Credits: Jessica Grimshaw- For USG Audio Josh Bloch- For USG Audio Jennifer Sears- For USG Audio Kathleen Goldhar- Host, Executive Producer, Producer Stuart Coxe- Executive Producer Michelle Shephard- Producer Alexis Green- Associate Producer Abhi Rahaja- Associate P ...
La Brega

La Brega

WNYC Studios and Futuro Studios

WNYC Studios and Futuro Studios present “La Brega: Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience”: a seven-part podcast series that uses narrative storytelling and investigative journalism to reflect and reveal how la brega has defined so many aspects of life in Puerto Rico. Available in English and Spanish. Creado por un colectivo de periodistas, productores, músicos y artistas boricuas; presentado por Alana Casanova-Burgess.
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