Thank you for Freedom not Fear 2021

A heartfelt thank you to all who helped making Freedom Not Fear 2021 possible!

To make this year’s online conference more entertaining, we had built a work adventure world. Participants from all over Europe, from Indonesia and possibly some other places that we missed were able to meet each other (virtually).

We had a small but fine programme focusing on the issue of platform power, with EDRi facilitating the kick-off panel ‘Leading by example: EU online platform regulation with people in mind’. Thanks to support of MEPs Patrick Breyer and Paul Tang, research fellow at the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam Ilaria Buri, co-founder and lead of Panoptykon Kasia Szymielewicz, and CEO of Vivaldi Jon von Tetzchner as well as padeluun and Rena Tangens from Digitalcourage the event was bristling with input.

The event was concluded with a live music stream by Silent River Soundsystem on the specially built surprise dancefloor in the FNF world.

Thanks for your fantastic work and support to all who organised, facilitated, took notes, built the world, played music, took part and will help to improve the digital world for analog beings!

If you would like to stay in touch, you could subscribe to the mailing list.

If you are interested in helping to organise Freedom not Fear 2022, let us know by email to contact at freedomnotfear dot org.

Group photo in the FNF 2021 world

Last song streaming to the virtual dancefloor

Some appreciation on social media

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Programme Freedom not Fear 2021

Kick-off Panel, organized by European Digital Rights (EDRi)

Leading by example: EU online platform regulation with people in mind

Panelists are Ilaria Buri (researcher at fellow at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam), Paul Tang (MEP S&D), Kasia Szymielewicz (co-founder and lead of Panoptykon) and Jon von Tetzchner (CEO Vivaldi)
Moderated by Jan Penfrat (EDRi Brussels office)

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) present a unique opportunity to set new rules for the platform economy in the EU – to make sure digital services serve people not only Silicon Valley profits. The EU has the chance to become the global leader in limiting the immense power big tech platforms have amassed over the last decade and a half.

This panel will consider how DSA and DMA can counter the attention-grabbing, user-exploiting business models of most of today’s hyper-centralised ad-driven online platforms. With a collection of outstanding panelists it aims at answering some of the most urgent questions: How to regulate Big Tech to stop how they hamr people and democracy? Which aspects need to be regulated? How can we prevent the aggregation of too much power in the hands of a few platforms and help to revive the decentralised nature the internet was originally built on?


Will the Zombie “Data Retention” never die?
By Patrick Breyer, Pirate Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA group), Further info:

Even after countless attempts to implement telecommunication surveillance laws have been struck down by the European courts, the European Commission and some of the EU member states are holding on to the idea to introduce measures of data retention in the Union. In July 2021, the Commission published a “non-paper” considering the legal options to introduce the indiscriminate retention of user data in some form or another. We do not want to let this happen.
Before the European Commission even starts drafting new legislation on data retention laws, we need to speak up! This means that we want to join our forces to raise awareness on this topic together with you as civil society in the EU member states.

How Google makes me really angry
By Rena Tangens (Digitalcourage)

Google received the Big Brother Award 2021 – Rena Tangens explains the decision of the jury and gives an extensive number of reasons why google so deserved this negative – award. She’ll also update about recent outrageous developments and what google is trying to conceal from us.

How (Not) to Succeed With Privacy Complaints: Share Your Experiences!
By Francisco & Sofia

Have you ever made a privacy complaint? If so, how did it go? So far we have not had much success with our privacy complaints but we do have some stories to share and hope to learn about your experiences. In the end we’ll be building a short guide together on how to successfully do privacy complaints along with common pitfalls and how to overcome them.

polypoly versus monopoly
By Christian Buggedei

It isn’t always possible to solve a technical problem with a technical solution. Sometimes you need to engage citizens via technology to demand change. That’s what we’re doing at polypoly. We are both a decentralized infrastructure provider, and a data cooperative. And in one of the few instances where technology has caught up with the law, polypoly is only possible because of the GDPR. Data is a sovereign right, and citizens have a right to reclaim their data from data monopolies. As a decentralized Edge-networking provider, we’re joining a cadre of technologists restoring the internet to its original intent: With no central point of failure. And as a data cooperative we’re using the law to restore data sovereignty to citizens. In this workshop we will detail the technology under development, and our approach to data stewardship through the functioning of polypoly SCE. Join us for this workshop, and a cooperative way forward.

The GNU Metaverse
By Tobias Alexandra Platen

I have been escaping Facebook (now called Meta) for many years. Building a scalable Facebook replacement is hard but possible. One attempt has been Secushare which is currently in the early prototyping phase. An experimental codebase exists but is rarely used. There is also the Taler project that enables micropayments so that users can pay with EUR not their data. This presentation will show how to build a GNU Metaverse that respects your freedom and privacy, but unlike Facebook it won’t be for free.

Fediverse kills the social media star – Build and use your own tools
By padeluun (Digitalcourage)

Chat Control 2.0
By Patrick Breyer, Pirate Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA group), Further info:

The EU wants to have all private chats, messages, and emails automatically searched for suspicious content, generally and indiscriminately. The stated aim: To prosecute child pornography. The result: Mass surveillance through fully automated real-time messaging and chat control and the end of secrecy of digital correspondence.
In early 2022 the legislation is expected, to make ‘Chatcontrol’ an obligation for all service providers operating in the EU.
We want to discuss with you how we can prevent this massive infringement of fundamental rights. Even if it is foreseeable that such a law would be annulled by the EU Court of Justice, it should not even come to the point where technology and regulations are introduced to scan all our communications.

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FNF 2021 schedule

– Please register in order to receive the participation link –

14:00 Doors open, time for socialising.
14:30 Welcome & Introduction
15:00 Kick-off panel

Leading by example: EU online platform regulation with people in mind

Moderated by Jan Penfrat (EDRi Brussels office)

Panellists include: Paul Tang (MEP S&D, NL), Katarzyna (Kasia) Szymielewicz (co-founder and lead of Panoptykon Foundation), Jon von Tetzchner (CEO of Vivaldi Technologies), Ilaria Buri (research fellow at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam)

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) present a unique opportunity to set new rules for the platform economy in the EU – to make sure digital services serve people not only Silicon Valley profits. The EU has the chance to become the global leader in limiting the immense power big tech platforms have amassed over the last decade and a half.

This panel will consider how DSA and DMA can counter the attention-grabbing, user-exploiting business models of most of today’s hyper-centralised ad-driven online platforms. With a collection of outstanding panellists it aims at answering some of the most urgent questions: How to regulate Big Tech to stop how they hamr people and democracy? Which aspects need to be regulated? How can we prevent the aggregation of too much power in the hands of a few platforms and help to revive the decentralised nature the internet was originally built on?

16:00 Break
16:30 Sessions Part I
17:30 Break
17:45 Sessions Part II
18:45 Break
19:00 Closing Session & Wrap-up
19:45 Open social space
Live music stream by Silent River Soundsystem (reggae, electronic dub)
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Call for Proposals & Volunteers at FnF 2021

Preparations are ongoing for the Freedom not Fear 2021 event on 21 November. We’re happy to see people signing up already – you are still invited to register for participation but today we are calling for your session proposals and volunteer support.

Session Proposals

You are invited to participate in the event by submitting session proposals. The guiding topic for Freedom not Fear 2021 is platform power.

While not limited to, we’d like to inspire your proposals with following questions:

  • How can we regulate Big Tech to stop them harming us, our friends and our democracy? Which aspects need to be regulated?
  • What is the role of the EU in this?
  • How can we prevent the massive aggregation of power in the hands of only a few platforms?
  • What are alternatives and how can we (help to) build decentralised systems?
  • How can we address destructive platform power beyond the digital rights bubble?
  • What are action ideas? What would we need to take action?

Please submit your suggestions by 15 November with this Cryptform:
The deadline will help us organise the schedule, however, it will still be possible to propose some spontaneous sessions at the event.

Volunteer support

While you are always welcome to join our organizing team, we would also like to ask for your support with some concrete tasks during the event, such as note-taking, room-pointing, technical support for participants. If you could imagine contributing your time, you’ll find some task descriptions and a Cryptform to submit here:

We’re looking forward to a creative event!

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Freedom not Fear, 21 Nov 2021 – registration is open!

We gladly invite you to Freedom not Fear 2021! As last year, the event will be an online-only event. We still hope to create a community-driven, interactive and inspiring space.

Platform Power, Freedom not Fear 21, Sun 21 Nov 2021

This year’s focus will be “Platform Power” – How do a few massive platforms shape our current experience in the online space? And why is it so important to address this concentration of power now?

Algorithms deployed by big platforms like Facebook and current practices of the companies behind those platforms are harming individuals, groups and society as a whole.
The big commercial platforms try to maximise ‘user engagement’ – keeping people clicking, liking, and sharing at any price. Since this is their business model, these platforms will not take responsibility for the disruption they cause and they have no interest in regulating themselves, because their profit relies on it – regardless of the consequences.

Now, with the upcoming Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) we could grab the historical chance to set new rules for the game – and make it serve the people. The EU could set an example by taking the global lead with a modern online platform regulation.

We’d like to consider how the momentum could be used to counter the attention-grabbing, user-exploiting business models of most of today’s monopolistic, hyper-centralised, and ad-driven platforms – and find inspiring answers to some urgent questions:

  • How can we regulate Big Tech to stop them harming our democracy? Which aspects need to be regulated?
  • How can we prevent the aggregation of too much power in the hands of only a few platforms and help to build a decentralised system?

Do you have more questions, input or ideas for sessions?
Please join the discussion and register for the event:

You can register here:

Freedom not Fear 2021
On Sun, 21 November 2021 at 14:00 CET (UTC +0100)

We would also encourage you to consider convening a one-hour session/workshop or other, addressing the issue of platform power. There will be a separate call for sessions closer to the event where you can submit your ideas addressing platform power.

The community behind Freedom not Fear is looking forward to a day of productive conversations and community action. Stay tuned for the schedule announcement.

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Freedom not Fear 2021 is coming!

Apologies for the delay in updating this website, but planning for FNF ’21 has been going on for a while. Freedom not Fear will again be an online-only event and will take place on

Sunday, 21 Nov 2021
from 14:00–20:00 CET (UTC +0100)

More details on the schedule will be available very soon.

You can register here:

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