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Our Press Coverage

Find links to press and articles online, as well as pdfs of relevant articles.

Press features
Our Videos

Find links to some of our video materials over the years. 

Our Presentations

See some of our presentations about ASSITEJ SA and read presentations and reports about specific aspects of our work.

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Our Gallery

We have a rich image bank. See what we get up to in full colour!

View our gallery
Our Calender

We are very active with showcases, workshops and member events. Have a look at our programme and get involved.

View our calender
Our Blog

Short articles about the goings on at ASSITEJ SA.

Read our blog

ASSITEJ Presence

ASSITEJ SA is active in many spaces – in the real world and online. 

Our hosting of the Cradle of Creativity (19th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival) in Cape Town in May 2017 was a significant watershed moment, which continues to reap benefits for our members today.