‘Responsive Design’ Videos

  • Borislav Arapchev: Какво е Mobile First Index и как да се адаптираме за него

    WordCamp Bulgaria 2020Speaker: Borislav Arapchev

    October 26, 2020 — Mobile First Index означава цялостна промяна в начина, по който Гугъл оценява и класира уеб-сайтовете при търсене . Алгоритъмът на световната търсачка вече анализира сайтовете с приоритет към мобилни устройства, на база технически и контент изисквания, както и тяхната ползваемост на мобилно устройство и на тази база ги подрежда в SERP. Mobile First Index е наложен от силно увеличената употреба на мобилни телефони в световен мащаб. Тази лекция ще ви подготви за тази промяна и да ви даде най-добрите практики, за да имате успех в новите условия.

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  • Sarah Bonner: Why does My Website Look Weird on My Phone? Current Trends in Responsive Website Design

    WordCamp Asheville 2018Speaker: Sarah Bonner

    January 9, 2019 — A discussion on the best practices for creating a well designed responsive theme on WordPress.


    Key elements that make a beautiful responsive design.
    How to choose the best responsive theme for you.
    Best practices for managing logos, photos, colors, patterns and font styles on WordPress. “

  • Miguel Gil Rosas: Responsive design – mobile first y desktop first

    WordCamp Gran Canaria 2018Speaker: Miguel Gil Rosas

    April 22, 2018 — Descripción de Responsive Design, Breakpoints y Media Queries con diagramas y código. Ejemplos de soluciones de implementación con varios tipos de maquetación, con especial atención a los menús de navegación.

  • Michelle Schulp : Pixel Imperfect: A Practical Approach To Responsive Design

    WordCamp Seattle 2017Speaker: Michelle Schulp

    November 28, 2017 — With seemingly endless new ways to browse the web, we know that responsive design is here to stay. But how do we adapt the traditional design process to flexible screen sizes, device-based restrictions, and multiple use-cases without feeling like we’re giving up all control to the great unknown? We’ll learn how to use our Problem Solving Superpowers to move away from creating endless mockups, and into crafting Design Systems. You’ll learn actionable methods to transform how you design for the web, and workable ways to present these designs to your team or your client.

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  • Ana Cirujano: Tipografía responsive: maqueta textos para todos los dispositivos

    WordCamp Santander 2017Speaker: Ana Cirujano

    November 22, 2017 — Aprenderemos cómo componer los textos de una web para que sean más legibles y cómo maquetar para que se adapten a todos los tamaños de pantalla, de una manera muy gráfica: a través de ejemplos de malas prácticas y cómo podríamos mejorarlos.

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  • Michelle Schulp: Pixel Imperfect: A Practical Approach To Responsive Design

    WordCamp D.C. 2017Speaker: Michelle Schulp

    November 15, 2017 — With seemingly endless new ways to browse the web, we know that responsive design is here to stay. But how do we adapt the traditional design process to flexible screen sizes, device-based restrictions, and multiple use-cases without feeling like we’re giving up all control to the great unknown? We’ll learn how to use our Problem Solving Superpowers to move away from creating endless mockups, and into crafting Design Systems. You’ll learn actionable methods to transform how you design for the web, and workable ways to present these designs to your team or your client.

  • Michelle Schulp : Pixel Imperfect – A Practical Approach To Responsive Design

    WordCamp Orange County 2017Speaker: Michelle Schulp

    June 16, 2017 — With seemingly endless new ways to browse the web, we know that responsive design is here to stay. But how do we adapt the traditional design process to flexible screen sizes, device-based restrictions, and multiple use-cases without feeling like we’re giving up all control to the great unknown? We’ll learn how to use our Problem Solving Superpowers to move away from creating endless mockups, and into crafting Design Systems. You’ll learn actionable methods to transform how you design for the web, and workable ways to present these designs to your team or your client.

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  • JuanKa Díaz: La importancia del contenido en tu web

    WordCamp Barcelona 2016Speaker: JuanKa Díaz

    February 24, 2017 — En esta charla veremos como WordPress nos permite gestionar el diferente contenido de nuestra web, de forma nativa e incluso haciendo uso de recursos de terceros pero siempre con una regla básica, que nuestro contenido sea interoperable y abstracto. Se recalcará la importancia de hacer que el contenido de tu web sea lo más abstracto posible para ver cómo podemos dotar a este de funcionalidades añadidas haciendo buen uso de layouts y técnicas de Responsive Web Design.

  • Yoichiro Takehora: レスポンシブデザイン前提のWordPressの表示速度高速化の考え方

    WordCamp Tokyo 2016Speaker: Yoichiro Takehora

    October 27, 2016 — 今や、Webサイトのアクセスの半分以上がスマートフォン経由となり、その画面表示に対応すべくレスポンシブデザインが広く普及してきており、WordPressがそのCMSとして使われるようになっています。


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  • RESS – The Next Step In Responsive Design

    WordCamp Pittsburgh 2016Speaker: Anthony Laurence

    September 20, 2016 — We’ve all heard about responsive design and how important it is. But most designers and developers only use techniques to build their sites to be responsive on the client-side without even knowing about a completely different approach to responsive design: Responsive Design with Server Side Components (RESS).

    RESS leverages the server to make websites and applications as lightning fast as possible. I will discuss the pros and cons of both client-side and server-side responsive design and show techniques that designers and developers can start using today.

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