Logo of WIPO PCT, the international patent system

PCT – The International Patent System

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) assists applicants in seeking patent protection internationally for their inventions, helps patent offices with their patent granting decisions, and facilitates public access to a wealth of technical information relating to those inventions.

By filing one international patent application under the PCT, applicants can simultaneously seek protection for an invention in a large number of countries.

Find out more: About the PCT | PCT Highlights | PCT Yearly Review


The PCT: Seeking Patent Protection Beyond Borders

Email updates

  • PCT Newsletter – News and information for users of the PCT System, including fee tables and seminars. Monthly.
Sign up | All WIPO newsletters

How to

File your application 


Manage your application

ePCT with strong authentication provides online access to the file of your international application and a suite of functions to facilitate monitoring and management during the international phase.

Search published applications

Published international applications are available on PATENTSCOPE, one of WIPO's global databases.  This database also includes patent documents from 73 participating Offices providing public access, free of charge to over 100 million technology disclosures.


For questions related to:

Your specific PCT application

Contact your “authorized officer”.

Through ePCT (WIPO IP Portal) (with or without strong authentication)

Through Contingency Upload Service (FAQs)

As of 1 January 2020, limited fax services are available to: +41 22 338 8270 and +41 22 338 9090

PCT general or legal matters

E-mail: PCT Information Service
Tel: +41 22 338 8338

More about the PCT Information Service

Filing a PCT application at the receiving Office of the International Bureau

E-mail: PCT Receiving Office
Tel: +41 22 338 9222

As of 1 January 2020, limited fax services are available to: +41 22 338 8270 and +41 22 338 9090

More about filing a PCT application directly at the RO/IB; including through Contingency Upload Service (FAQs)

E-filing with ePCT and PCT-SAFE and Contingency Upload Service 

E-mail: PCT eServices
Tel: +41 22 338 9523

More about PCT eServices, ePCT (WIPO IP Portal)PCT-SAFE, Contingency Upload Service (FAQs) and DAS

RO/IB will stop accepting filings using PCT-SAFE from 1 July 2021.

Available from Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm CET