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Take action: Stand With Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Take action: Stand With Palestinian Hunger Strikers

As they face severe health crises, six Palestinian prisoners are continuing their open hunger strikes to demand their liberation from Israeli occupation prisons. All six of them are jailed without charge or trial under Israel’s “administrative detention” mechanism,...

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Al-Awda: Defend Palestinian Community Leaders Under Attack

Al-Awda: Defend Palestinian Community Leaders Under Attack

We condemn in the strongest terms the threats emanating from institutions associated with the Palestinian Authority towards the leadership of American Muslims for Palestine, whose president Osama Aburshaid (pictured above) was threatened with physical harm due to the...

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July 7, NYC: Hands-On-Strong: Know & Assert Your Rights Training

July 7, NYC: Hands-On-Strong: Know & Assert Your Rights Training

Wednesday, July 7 MCC 5218 3rd Ave (R train to 53rd St) Brooklyn, NY 11220-1707 Facebook: Stay Strong, Stay Safe: Protect Your Rights, Protect Palestine! Knowledge is Power Speak Confidently Without Compromise Join...

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Make a one-time or recurring donation to the US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)!

USACBI is a U.S. campaign focused on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, responding to the call of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel. [Web|Facebook|Twitter]