Support » Plugin: Yoast SEO » Why Rich Content FAQ is in Carrousels

  • Resolved vegas778


    Hello, I have tested Yoast FAQ on 3 sites with
    and all the questions and answers are under Carrousels instead of FAQ Rich Snippet.

    FAQ are really nothing to do with Carrousels. So I don’t understand why when I add FAQ Questions with Yoast, google find both carrousels and faq. And in FAQ rich snippet there is no questions or answers there.

    I checked others sites that are not using Yoast plugin and the FAQ are considered as FAQ rich snippet

    So is it normal? or what is the issue here?

    And if it is how it should suppost to work, will Google understand? Because it seems very weird to me.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Michael Tina



    Thanks for contacting Yoast Support.

    Can you confirm you are using the latest versions of WordPress 5.5.1 and Yoast SEO for WordPress 14.9? Also, would it be possible for you to check if you can recreate this issue with a default WordPress theme such as TwentyTwenty and only the Yoast SEO plugin? And then if you use the default WordPress block editor and add a FAQ structured data block, do you still get the same result in the Rich Results tool that it detects information for a carousel?

    Thread Starter vegas778


    Hi, yes i can confirm that. Also tried with twentytwenty and its the same…

    It does not seem to be related to the themes as even your example page:

    google detected information for carrousels.

    Jono Alderson


    Hi there,

    The short answer (and the good news) is that this isn’t a problem. Your FAQ markup is correct and will work correctly. Providing there aren’t any other problems, your FAQ content should be eligible to show up as FAQ results in Google.

    The longer version (and the bad news) is, Google’s specification for how they handle FAQs, and how they handle “carousel” markup, are both… problematic.

    There are a few moving parts, so please bear with me as a ramble…

    • It’s good practice to use itemList schema markup when you want to describe a list of things. In most cases, FAQ questions are a type of ‘list’, so it makes sense to describe them this way. We define a list, and we place each question inside of it. Without this approach, the questions are… ‘orphaned’ in the page.
    • However, whenever you define an itemList on a page, Google incorrectly assumes that you’re trying to be eligible for ‘carousel’ results (a concept which Google have invented, which doesn’t exist in
    • Conversely, there’s no precise approach in to say “This is a list of questions”, only, “this is a list, and, it contains questions”. Which brings me onto the next issue…
    • Google’s specification handles this omission by requiring questions to be directly attached to the WebPage schema piece as the ‘main entity’ of the page. That causes a heap of technical and conceptual problems which I won’t get into in too much depth (you can’t conceptually have multiple main entities, and you certainly can’t have multiple types of main entities). Suffice to say, Google’s approach doesn’t work well in the real world, with the kinds of more complex and interconnected schema that we output.

    So, to summarise:

    • Our FAQ structured data doesn’t quite align with Google’s documented approach, but, it works, it’s more sensible, and it’s more sophisticated + robust.
    • Google’s testing tools are a bit trigger-happy about carousel markup.
    • Everything is fine.
    Plugin Support devnihil


    We are going ahead and marking this issue as resolved due to inactivity. If you require any further assistance please create a new issue.

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