
WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.

Below are some links to help you get started with WPGraphQL

Build rich JavaScript applications with WordPress and GraphQL

WPGraphQL allows you to separate your CMS from your presentation layer. Content creators can use the CMS they know, while developers can use the frameworks and tools they love.

WPGraphQL works great with:

Query what you need. Get exactly that.

With GraphQL, the client makes declarative queries, asking for the exact data needed, and in exactly what was asked for is given in response, nothing more. This allows the client have control over their application, and allows the GraphQL server to perform more efficiently by only fetching the resources requested.

Fetch many resources in a single request.

GraphQL queries allow access to multiple root resources, and also smoothly follow references between connected resources. While typical a REST API would require round-trip requests to many endpoints, GraphQL APIs can get all the data your app needs in a single request. Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections.

Powerful Debugging Tools

WPGraphQL ships with GraphiQL in your WordPress dashboard, allowing you to browse your site’s GraphQL Schema and test Queries and Mutations.


It is recommended that anytime you want to update WPGraphQL that you get familiar with what’s changed in the release.

WPGraphQL publishes release notes on Github.

WPGraphQL has been following Semver practices for a few years. We will continue to follow Semver and let version numbers communicate meaning. The summary of Semver versioning is as follows:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

You can read more about the details of Semver at semver.org



Can I use WPGraphQL with xx JavaScript Framework?

WPGraphQL turns your WordPress site into a GraphQL API. Any client that can make http requests to the GraphQL endpoint can be used to interact with WPGraphQL.

Where do I get WPGraphQL Swag?

WPGraphQL Swag is available on the Gatsby Swag store.

What’s the relationship between Gatsby, WP Engine, and WPGraphQL?

WP Engine is the employer of Jason Bahl, the creator and maintainer of WPGraphQL. He was previously employed by Gatsby.

You can read more about this here.

Gatsby and WP Engine both believe that a strong GraphQL API for WordPress is a benefit for the web. Neither Gatsby or WP Engine are required to be used with WPGraphQL, however it’s important to acknowledge and understand what’s possible because of their investments into WPGraphQL and the future of headless WordPress!


December 3, 2021
This plugin is a game-changer. Once you start using it you really get a feel of how powerful it is. Why anyone would choose REST API now sounds crazy to me.
April 10, 2021
Don't have much to say other than that this plugin is really amazing and easy to use. Built GraphQL queries for my headless site in a jiffy with this plugin. Keep up the good work!
January 8, 2021
Read all 40 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WPGraphQL” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “WPGraphQL” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


= 1.6.7

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2135): Fixes permission check in the Post model layer. Posts of a 'publicly_queryable' => true post_type can be queried publicly (non-authenticated requests) via WPGraphQL, even if the post_type is set to 'public' => false. Thanks @kellenmace!
  • (#2093): Fixes Post.pinged field to properly return an array. Thanks @justlevine!
  • (#2132): Fix issue where querying posts by slug could erroneously return null. Thanks @ChrisWiegman!
  • (#2127): Update endpoint in documentation examples. Thanks @RafidMuhyim!

= 1.6.6

New Features

  • (#2106): Add new pre_graphql_execute_request filter to better support full query caching. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2123): Add new graphql_dataloader_get_cached filter to better support persistent object caching in the Model Layer. Thanks @kidunot89!

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2094): fix broken link in docs. Thanks @duffn!
  • (#2108): Update lucatume/wp-browser dependency. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2111): Correct variable name passed to filter. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2112): Doc typo corrections. Thanks @nexxai!
  • (#2115): Updates to GraphiQL npm dependencies. Thanks @alexghirelli!
  • (#2124): Updates tmpl npm dependency.

= 1.6.5

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2081): Set is_graphql_request earlier in Request.php. Thanks @jordanmaslyn!
  • (#2085): Bump codeception from 4.1.21 to 4.1.22

New Features

  • (#2076): Add $graphiql global variable to allow extensions the ability to more easily remove hooks/filters from the class.

= 1.6.4

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2076): Updates WPGraphiQL IDE to use latest react, GraphiQL and other dependencies.

New Features

  • (#2076): WPGraphiQL IDE now resizes when the browser window is resized.

= 1.6.3

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2064): Fixes bug where using asQuery argument could return an error instead of a null when the ID passed could not be previewed.
  • (#2072): Fixes bug (regression with 1.6) where Object Types for page templates were not properly loading in the Schema after Lazy Loading was introduced in 1.6.
  • (#2059): Update typos and links in docs. Thanks @nicolnt!
  • (#2058): Fixes bug in the filter_post_meta_for_previews was causing PHP warnings. Thanks @zolon4!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2051): Fixes a bug where Types that share the same name as a PHP function (ex: Header / header()) would try and call the function when loading the Type. See (Issue #2047)
  • (#2055): Fixes a bug where Connections registered from Types were adding connections to the registry too late causing some queries to fail. See Issue (Issue #2054)


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2043): Fixes a regression with GraphQL Request Execution that was causing Gatsby to fail builds.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2000): This fixes issue where all Types of the Schema were loaded for each GraphQL request. Now only the types required to fulfill the request are loaded on each request. Thanks @chriszarate!
  • (#2031): This fixes a performance issue in the WPGraphQL model layer where determining whether a User is a published author was generating expensive MySQL queries on sites with a lot of users and a lot of content. Thanks @chriszarate!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2038): Exclude documentation directory from code archived by composer and deployed to WordPress.org


Chores / Bugfixes

  • Update to trigger a missed deploy to WordPress.org. no functional changes from v1.5.6


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2035): Fixes a bug where variables passed to after_execute_actions weren’t properly set for Batch Queries.

New Features

  • (#2035): (Yes, same PR as the bugfix above). Adds 2 new actions graphql_before_execute and graphql_after_execute to allow actions to run before/after the execution of entire Batch requests vs. the hooks that currently run within each the execution of each operation within a request.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2023): Fixes issue with deploying Docker Testing Images. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2025): Update test workflow to test against WordPress 5.8 (released today) and updates the readme.txt to reflect the plugin has been tested up to 5.8
  • (#2028): Update Codeception test environment to prevent WordPress from entering maintenance mode during tests.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2012): Adds functional tests back to the Github testing workflow!
  • (#2016): Ignore Schema Linter workflow on releases, run on PRs only.
  • (#2019): Deploy Docker Testing Image on releases. Thanks @markkelnar!

New Features

  • (#2011): Introduces a new API to allow Types to register connections at the Type registration level and refactors several internal Types to use this new API.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#2001): Updates Docker environment to use MariaDB instead of MySQL to play nice with those fancy M1 Macs. Thanks @chriszarate!
  • (#2002): Add PHP8 Docker image to deploy upon releases. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2006): Update Docker to use $PROJECT_DIR variable instead of hardcoded value to allow composed docker images to run their own tests from their own project. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#2007): Update broken links to Relay spec. Thanks @ramyareye!

New Features

  • (#2009): Adds new WPConnectionType class and refactors register_graphql_connection() to use the class. Functionality should be the same, but this sets the codebase up for some new connection APIs.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1992): Fixes bug that caused conflict with the AmpWP plugin.
  • (#1994): Fixes bug where querying a node by uri could return a node of a different post type.
  • (#1997): Fixes bug where Enums could be generated with no values when a taxonomy was set to show in GraphQL but it’s associated post_type(s) are not shown in graphql.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1987): Fixes Relay Spec link in documentation Thanks @ramyareye!
  • (#1988): Fixes docblock and paramater Type in preview filter callback. Thanks @zolon4!
  • (#1986): Update WP environment variables for tesing with PHP8. Thanks @markkelnar!

New Features

  • (#1984): Support for PHP8! No functional changes to the code, just changes to dependency declarations and test environment.
  • (#1990): Adds isTermNode and isContentNode to the UniformResourceIdentifiable Interface


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1865): Change MenuItem.path field from nonNull to nullable as the value can be null in WordPress. Thanks @furedal!
  • (#1978): Use “docker compose” instead of docker-compose in the run-docker.sh script. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1974): Separates app setup and app-post-setup scripts for use in the Docker/test environment setup. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1972): Pushes Docker images when new releases are tagged. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1970): Change Docker Image names specific to the WP and PHP versions. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1967): Update xdebug max nesting level to allow coverage to pass with resolver instrumentation active. Thanks @markkelnar!

New Features

  • (#1977): Allow same string to be passed for “graphql_single_name” and “graphql_plural_name” (ex: “deer” and “deer”) when registering Post Types and Taxonomies. Same strings will be prefixed with “all” for plurals. Thanks @apmatthews!
  • (#1787): Adds a new “ContentTypesOf. Thanks @plong0!


  • No functional change. Version bump to fix previous deploy.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1963): Fixes a regression in v1.4.0 where the uri field on Terms was returning null. The issue was actually wider than that as resolvers on Object Types that implement interfaces weren’t being fully respected.
  • (#1956): Adds SpaceAfterFunction Code Sniffer rule and adjusts the codebase to respect the rule. Thanks @markkelnar!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1958): Fixes a regression in 1.4.0 where register_graphql_interfaces_to_types was broken.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1951): Fixes bug with the uri field. Some Types in the Schema had the uri field as nullable field and some as a non-null field. This fixes it and makes the field consistently nullable as some Nodes with a URI might have a null value if the node is private.
  • (#1953): Fixes bug with Settings groups with underscores not showing in the Schema properly. Thanks @markkelnar!

New Features

  • (#1951): Updates GraphQL-PHP to v14.8.0 (from 14.4.0) and Introduces the ability for Interfaces to implement other Interfaces!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1940): Adds Breaking Change inspector to run on new Pull Requests. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1937): Fixed typo in documentation. Thanks @LeonardoDB!
  • (#1923): Fixed bug where User Model didn’t support the databaseId field

New Features

  • (#1938): Adds new functionality to the register_graphql_connection() API. Thanks @kidunot89!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1902): Moves more documentation into markdown. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1917): Updates docblock on WPObjectType. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1926): Removes Telemetry.
  • (#1928): Fixes bug (#1864) that was causing errors when get_post_meta() was used with a null meta key.
  • (#1929): Adds Github Workflow to upload schema.graphql as release asset.

New Features

  • (#1924): Adds new graphql_http_request_response_errors filter. Thanks @kidunot89!
  • (#1908): Adds new graphql_pre_resolve_uri filter, allowing 3rd parties to filter the behavior of the nodeByUri resolver. Thanks @renatonascalves!


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1897): Fails batch requests when disabled earlier.
  • (#1893): Moves more documentation into markdown. Thanks @markkelnar!

New Features

  • (#1897): Adds new setting to set a max number of batch operations to allow per Batch request.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1885): Fixes regression to register_graphql_connection that was breaking custom connections registered by 3rd party plugins.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1878): Limits the x-hacker header to be output when in DEBUG mode by default. Thanks @wvffle!
  • (#1880): Fixes the formatting of the modified date for Post objects. Thanks @chriszarate!
  • (#1851): Update Schema Linker Github Action. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1858): Start migrating docs into markdown files within the repo. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1856): Move Schema Linter Github Action into multiple steps. Thanks @szepeviktor!

New Features

  • (#1872): Adds new setting to the GraphQL Settings page to allow site administrators to restrict the endpoint to authenticated requests.
  • (#1874): Adds new setting to the GraphQL Settings page to allow site administrators to disable Batch Queries.
  • (#1875): Adds new setting to the GraphQL Settings page to allow site administrators to enable a max query depth and specify the depth.


Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1846): Fixes bug where sites with no menu locations can throw a php error in the MenuItemConnectionResolver. Thanks @markkelnar!


New Features

  • (#1834): Adds new rename_graphql_type function that allows Types to be given a new name in the Schema. Thanks @kidunot89!
  • (#1830): Adds new rename_graphql_field_name function that allows fields to be given re-named in the Schema. Thanks @kidunot89!

Chores / Bugfixes

  • (#1820): Fixes bug where one test in the test suite wasn’t executing properly. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1817): Fixes docker environment to allow xdebug to run. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1833): Allow specific Test Suites to be executed when running tests with Docker. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1816): Fixes bug where user roles without a name caused errors when building the Schema
  • (#1824): Fixes bug where setting the role of tracing/query logs to “any” wasn’t being respected. Thanks @toriphes!
  • (#1828): Fixes bug with Term connection pagination ordering


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1806): Fixes bug where databaseId couldn’t be queried on the CommentAuthor type
  • (#1808) & (#1811): Updates Schema descriptions across the board. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1809): Fixes bug where child terms couldn’t properly be queried by URI.
  • (#1812): Fixes bug where querying users in a site with many non-published authors can return 0 results.



  • Fixes (#1802) by reversing a change to how initial post types and taxonomies are setup.



  • patches a bug where default post types and taxonomies disappeared from the Schema


Noteable changes

Between this release and the prior release (v1.2.6) includes changes to pagination under the hood.

While these releases correcting mistakes and buggy behavior, it’s possible that workarounds have already been implemented either in the server or in client applications.

For example, there was a bug with start/end cursors being reversed for backward pagination.

If a client application were reversing the cursors to fix the issue, the reversal in the client will now cause the issue.

It’s recommended to test your applications against this release, specifically in regards to pagination.

Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1797): Update test environment to allow custom permalink structures to be better tested. Moves the “show_in_graphql” setup of core post types and taxonomies into the register_post_type_args and register_taxonomy_args filters instead of modifying global filters directly.
  • (#1794): Cleanup to PHPStan config. Thanks @szepeviktor!
  • (#1795) and (#1793): Don’t throw errors when external urls are provided as input for queries that try and resolve by uri
  • (#1792): Add missing descriptions to various fields in the Schema. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1791): Update where WP_GRAPHQL_URL is defined to follow recommendation from WordPress.org.
  • (#1784): Fix UsersConnectionSearchColumnEnum to show the proper values that were accidentally replaced.
  • (#1781): Fixes various bugs related to pagination. Between this release and the v1.2.6 release the following bugs have been worked on in regards to pagination: (#1780, #1411, #1552, #1714, #1440)


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1773) Fixes multiple issues (#1411, #1440, #1714, #1552) related to backward pagination .
  • (#1775) Updates resolver for MenuItem.children connection to ensure the children belong to the same menu as well to prevent orphaned items from being returned.
  • (#1774) Fixes bug where the terms connection wasn’t properly being added to all Post Types that have taxonomy relationships. Thanks @toriphes!
  • (#1752) Update documentation in README. Thanks @markkelnar!
  • (#1759) Update WPGraphQL Includes method to be called only if composer install has been run. Helpful for contributors that have cloned the plugin locally. Thanks @rsm0128!
  • (#1760) Fixes the MediaItem.sizes resolver. (see: #1758). Thanks @rsm0128!
  • (#1763) Update testVersion in phpcs.xml to match required php version. Thanks @GaryJones!


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1748) Fixes issue where installing the plugin in Trellis using Composer was causing the plugin not to load properly.


Bugfixes / Chores

  • More work to fix Github -> SVN deploys. 🤦‍♂️


Bugfixes / Chores

  • Addresses bug (still) causing deploys to WordPress.org to fail and not include the vendor directory.


Bugfixes / Chores

  • Fixes Github workflow to deploy to WordPress.org


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1741) Fix issue with DefaultTemplate not being registered to the Schema and throwing errors when no other templates are registered.



  • (#1732) Add isPrivacyPage to the Schema for the Page type. Thanks @Marco-Daniel!

Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1734) Remove Composer dependencies from being versioned in Github. Update Github workflows to install dependencies for deploying to WordPress.org and uploading release assets on Github.


Bugfixes / Chores

  • Fix release asset url in Github action.


Bugfixes / Chores

  • Fix release upload url in Github action.


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1723) Fix CI Schema Linter action. Thanks @szepeviktor!
  • (#1722) Update PR Template message. Thanks @szepeviktor!
  • (#1730) Updates redundant test configuration in Github workflow. Thanks @szepeviktor!


Bugfixes / Chores

  • (#1718) Simplify the main plugin file to adhere to more modern WP plugin standards. Move the WPGraphQL class to it’s own file under the src directory. Thanks @szepeviktor!
  • (#1704) Fix end tags for inputs on the WPGraphQL Settings page to adhere to the w3 spec for inputs. Thanks @therealgilles!
  • (#1706) Show all content types in the ContentTypeEnum, not just public ones. Thanks @ljanecek!
  • (#1699) Set default value for 2nd paramater on Tracker->get_info() method. Thanks @SpartakusMd!



  • (#1715) Updates WPGraphQL\Type\Object namespace to be WPGraphQL\Type\ObjectType to play nice with newer versions of PHP where Object is a reserved namespace.
  • (#1711) Updates regex in phpstan.neon.dist. Thanks @szepeviktor!
  • (#1719) Update to backtrace that is output with graphql_debug messages to ensure it includes a file key in the returned array, before returning the trace. Thanks @kidunot89!



  • (#1693) Clear global user in the Router in case plugins have attempted to set the user before API authentication has been executed. Thanks @therealgilles!


  • (#972) graphql_pre_model_data_is_private filter was added to the Abstract Model.php allowing Model’s is_private() check to be bypassed.



  • (#1676) Add a nav_menu_item loader to allow previous menu item IDs to work properly with WPGraphQL should they be passed to a node query (like, if the ID were persisted somewhere already)
  • Update cases of menu item IDs to be post:$id instead of nav_menu_item:$id
  • Update tests to test that both the old nav_menu_item:$id and post:$id work for nav menu item node queries to support previously issued IDs



  • (#1670) Fixes a bug with querying pages that are set as to be the posts page


This release centers around updating code quality by implementing PHPStan checks. PHPStan is a tool that statically analyzes PHP codebases to detect bugs. This release centers around updating Docblocks and overall code quality, and implements automated tests to check code quality on every pull request.


  • Update PHPStan (Code Quality checker) to v0.12.64
  • Increases PHPStan code quality checks to Level 8 (highest level).

– (#1653) Fixes bug where WPGraphQL was explicitly setting has_published_posts on WP_Query but WP_Query does this under the hood already. Thanks @jmartinhoj!
– Fixes issue with Comment Model returning comments that are not associated with a Post object. Comments with no associated Post object are not public entities.
– Update docblocks to be compatible with PHPStan Level 8.
– Removed some uncalled code
– Added early returns in some places to prevent unnecessary added execution



  • Updates GraphQL-PHP from v14.3.0 to v14.4.0
  • Updates GraphQL-Relay-PHP from v0.3.1 to v0.5.0


  • Fixes a bug where CI Tests were not passing when code coverage is enabled
  • (#1633) Fixes bug where Introspection Queries were showing fields with no deprecationReason as deprecated because it was outputting an empty string instead of a null value.
  • (#1627) Fixes bug where fields on the Model called multiple times might weren’t being set properly
  • Updates Theme tests to be more resilient for WP Core updates where new themes are introduced



  • Fixes a regression to previews introduced by v1.0.3



  • (#1623): Queries for single posts will only return posts of that post_type
  • (#1624): Passes Menu Item Labels through html_entity_decode



  • fix issue with using the count() function on potentially not-countable value
  • fix bug where post_status was being checked instead of comment_status
  • fix error message when restoring a comment doesn’t work
  • (#1610) fix check to see if current user has permission to update another Author’s post. Thanks @maximilianschmidt!

New Features

  • (#1608) move connections from each post type->contentType to be ContentNode->ContentType. Thanks @jeanfredrik!
  • pass status code through as a param of the graphql_process_http_request_response action
  • add test for mutating other authors posts


– (#1589) Fixes a php type bug in TypeRegistry.php. Thanks @szepeviktor!
Fixes bug with how GraphQL PHP Debug flags are set.
– (#1598) Fixes bug where Post Types registered with the same graphql_single_name and graphql_plural_name are the same value.
– (#1615) Fixes bug where fields added to the Schema that that were using get_post_meta() for Previews weren’t always resolving properly.

New Features
– Adds a setting to allow users to opt-in to tracking active installs of WPGraphQL.
– Removed old docs that used to be in this repo as markdown. Docs are now written in WordPress and the wpgraphql.com is a Gatsby site built from the content in WordPress and the code in this repo. Looking to contribute content to the docs? Open an issue on this repo or the wpgraphql.com repo and we’ll work with you to get content updated. We have future plans to allow the community to contribute by writing content in the WordPress install, but for now, Github issues will do.


Public Stable Release.

This release contains no technical changes.

Read the announcement: https://www.wpgraphql.com/2020/11/16/announcing-wpgraphql-v1/

Previous release notes can be found on Github: https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql/releases