
  • Member Since: November 12th, 2019
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WebDevStudios sponsors Marty O'Connor to contribute 2 hours per week to the following teams: Community, Themes.

  • Posted a reply to How to learn how to use the Chrome developer tool., on the site Forums:
    You have a couple of options in this case. 1. Typically, depending on the way…

  • Posted a reply to Header Image Dark, on the site Forums:
    Glad to hear it! Do you mind setting this as resolved? Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Header Image Dark, on the site Forums:
    At first glance, it looks like the CSS is being set on : .bs-breadcrumb-section .overlay…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg cover block, on the site Forums:
    Minimum Height is set in terms of specific pixels on the Cover Block. As you…