
  • Member Since: October 2nd, 2020
  • Location: Arizona
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Self thought IT engineer. Love all type of technology, love tweaking, naturally curious on how things work. This curiosity and thirst for knowing more and learning how things function drove my passion for all types of technologies. From WordPress to Exchange, to AWS, cPanel, Linux server administration, systems etc.

The thirst is never quenched!

WordPress Origin Story

After working at for almost 7 years and serving 30-50 customers a day with a majority of the issues related to WordPress drove my passion and love to learn everything about WP, from troubleshooting, installation, development, coding, migration, database etc.


Kenneth X Estrada contributes 10 hours per week to the Community team.

  • Posted a reply to How to BLOCK the backend from changing language, on the site Forums:
    I have figure out a way to do it; However, please do so at your…

  • Posted a reply to White Screen after attempted upgrade, on the site Forums:
    This issue seems to be related to you theme. Can you switch to a wp…

  • Posted a reply to Website not working, on the site Forums:
    This is definitely a theme/plugin issue. We can access the /license.txt file, which means we…

  • Posted a reply to How to fix Internal Server Error., on the site Forums:
    Ive seen this issue and it was directly related to a plugin that came preloaded…

  • Posted a reply to White Screen after attempted upgrade, on the site Forums:
    Can you list here what you attempted to update? i.e a plugin, a theme, or…

  • Posted a reply to Log errors causing high server usage, on the site Forums:
    This is a scripting error. It seems like something or somebody modified your media.php file…

  • Posted a reply to XAMPP: Error establishing a database connection > On an Offline Site, on the site Forums:
    Well, looks like you did rebuilt the whole thing but at the end Im glad…

  • Posted a reply to Video embed widget no longer full width or full height, on the site Forums:
    I believe I fix it, but you may need to double check and tweak it…

  • Posted a reply to Menù parte izquierda donde dice apariencia, temas, no existe, on the site Forums:
    Eso es algo avansado y requiere de acceder la parte trasera de la pagina. La…

  • Posted a reply to wp-admin 404 Not Found, on the site Forums:
    Sorry to hear that. Can you share your site address?

  • Posted a reply to wp-admin 404 Not Found, on the site Forums:
    do you have access to your web hosting server?

  • Posted a reply to wp-admin 404 Not Found, on the site Forums:
    Disable your .htaccess by renaming it, if that does not work, then login to your…

  • Posted a reply to Updating WordPress crashed everything, on the site Forums:
    What was the old version and new version you upgraded to? Did you make sure…

  • Posted a reply to Increase PHP memory for only one page, on the site Forums:
    That is not possible. When you are increasing the memory limit, you are basically increasing…

  • Posted a reply to This Site Cant be reached – Error Timed Out, on the site Forums:
    The site seems to be loading fine for me!

  • Posted a reply to UNRESPONSIVE SITE, on the site Forums:
    That means the upgrade was not compatible with your current server settings. 1. PHP version…

  • Posted a reply to Transfer domain from Hostgator to, on the site Forums:
    What you describe is not a domain "transfer" but instead just a domain pointing. I…

  • Posted a reply to Images not working after migration, on the site Forums:
    it seems like your upload path in your dbs is set incorrectly, check your path…

  • Posted a reply to SSL Issue, on the site Forums:
    Yes, that is the correct answer. Its a mixed content issue. There is another plugin…

  • Posted a reply to XAMPP: Error establishing a database connection > On an Offline Site, on the site Forums:
    The error you are seeing is directly related to not able to establish a connection…

  • Posted a reply to Menù parte izquierda donde dice apariencia, temas, no existe, on the site Forums:
    Si te refieres al menu de administracion que se encuentra en la parte izquierda; es…

  • Posted a reply to Need to change my Site address URL, on the site Forums:
    Are the websites and hosted in the same place? If they are point…

  • Posted a reply to Email “Your site has technical problems”, on the site Forums:
    It sounds like you have a monitoring plugin. If you have a plugin that monitors…

  • Posted a reply to wp-cron.php is executing over and over making my server’s down, on the site Forums:
    I would disable or delete the wp-cron file first. If the issue persist than you…

  • Posted a reply to unable to get access to dashboard, on the site Forums:
    rename your .htaccess to .htaccess.bak, if issue persist rename back to .htaccess. Go to PHP…

  • Posted a reply to unable to get access to dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Redirects is mostly related to .htaccess file errors. Disable the file by renaming it temporarily…

  • Posted a reply to wp-admin 404 Not Found, on the site Forums:
    What do you get @ /wp-login.php?

  • Posted a reply to Video embed widget no longer full width or full height, on the site Forums:
    I have experienced similar issues in the past and most of the time is plugin…