• Resolved bitcoincasino666


    All of my web stories are showing this error, I have read the page about it for fixing but makes zero sense to me so could someone explain how to fix it in layman’s terms.

    [ redundant link removed ]

    The dates for the signed exchange are invalid.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello and thanks for getting in touch. I have ran your web story through AMP validation and it has passed but I can see the warning you have mentioned.

    This is when the HTTP response is a signed exchange whose signature header has an incorrect value for the date or expires parameter, as required by the signed exchanges specification or the Google AMP Cache requirements.

    This is an optional fix and your story should still display with no issues but you can find further information on this and how to troubleshoot and resolve in this Google Search Console Help Centre article.

    The article contains a Signed exchange issues section with the specific error you are encountering and the next steps to take for this.

    Hope this helps you to resolve this warning message and please let me know i you have any further questions.

    Plugin Author Pascal Birchler


    It’s worth noting that these are just warnings, not errors.

    You’re using Cloudflare for configuring signed exchanges, and the issue lies with them, not the Web Stories plugin.

    To address that issue, try visiting https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/speed/optimization and toggling the “AMP Real URL” feature off for a few minutes and then re-enabling.

    If you didn’t set up Cloudflare yourself, reach out to your website administrator or reach out to Cloudflare support directly to get assistance.

    But it’s just a warning. Your stories are still eligible for some AMP-specific features in Google Search results, but it just means they’re not fully compliant with AMP best practices.

    As we haven’t received a response, I’ll mark this as resolved. Feel free to open a new support topic if you continue to encounter issues, or reopen this topic and we’d be happy to assist. Thank you!

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