What to know about WordPress 5.8


WordPress 5.8 is shaping up to be one of the more exciting releases since 5.0. So what’s included? Join 5.8's Co-Release Coordinator Jonathan Desrosiers to learn about the new features and changes coming in this release, and how it helps lay the tracks for an even more exciting feature, Full Site Editing.

Jonathan has been using WordPress since 2007 to build sites of all sizes, covering the entire spectrum of local businesses to enterprises and large universities. He has been a contributor to WordPress Core since 2013. He currently works as a Senior Software Engineer at Bluehost, where he is sponsored to spend his time contributing to WordPress Core.
Based in Southeastern Massachusetts, he enjoys playing and watching baseball, being outdoors, cooking (especially on the grill), photography, and sharing a beverage with interesting people.

Zoom opens at 6:30 for hangout and networking.

The night's presentation will start at 7 pm

The Zoom link will be posted a few hours before our meetup.