Tables Edit

Note: Highlight: Use tables to present lengthy and complex pieces of data that are related, in a well-structured format.

Tables are useful to present lengthy and complex pieces of data that are related, in a well-structured format that is easy to read and scan for readers. Generally a table consists of two or more rows and two or more columns in addition to the header row.

Choosing between a list or a table Choosing between a list or a table

Sometimes to represent data, it could be confusing as to what would be ideal – a list or a table. Refer the following table to select between a list or a table:

Item type Example List or table
Each item is a single unit. A procedure with instructions. Use a bulleted list, numbered list, or lettered list.
Each item consists of a two related pieces of data. A glossary with term and description pairs. Use a description list.
Each item consists of three or more related pieces of data. A set of parameters with multiple values, data, categories, and descriptions. Use a table.

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When not to use tables When not to use tables

  • If you only have a single row of content, a table might not be the best way to present it, with exceptions such as reference docs.
  • If you only have a single column in your table, convert the table to a list.
  • Don’t use a table to present a list of similar items.
  • Don’t split tables with long columns in half and present one half next to another.
  • Don’t use a table to present code examples.
  • Avoid tables in the middle of a numbered procedure.

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Multiple paragraph table cells Multiple paragraph table cells

A table cell can contain more than one paragraph.

To create multiple paragraphs, use the <p> element rather than using the <br> element. For more information on which uses of <br> are correct and which ones aren’t, see the HTML specification for <br>.


Function Type Default value Description
anchor boolean false Lets you link directly to a specific block on a page. This property adds a field to define an id for the block and a button to copy the direct link.
defaultStylePicker boolean true When the style picker is shown, a dropdown is displayed so the user can select a default style for this block type. If you prefer not to show the dropdown, set this property to false.

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Introductory sentences Introductory sentences

In most cases, introduce a table with an introductory sentence that initiates the table that follows. If the heading of the content explains what the table is about, and no additional context is required, then don’t include an introductory statement. You can introduce a table with an imperative statement.

The introductory sentence can end with a colon or a period. Use a period if the introductory content is extended, and a colon if the introductory statement is shorter and immediately precedes the table. The text preceding the colon must distinctly stand alone as a complete sentence. That is, don’t introduce a table with a partial statement.

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Capitalization and punctuation Capitalization and punctuation

Use sentence case capitalization for the table title and each column heading. For text inside table cells, use sentence case capitalization; with exceptions. For example, some values, keywords, or strings are written in lowercase.

For text inside table cells, use periods or other end punctuation only if the sentences contain complete sentences or a combination of phrases and sentences.

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Table placement Table placement

  • When introducing a table, use a complete sentence while referring to the table’s position, such as the following table, or the preceding table.
  • Don’t insert a table in the middle of a sentence.
  • If your table has any references such as footnotes, insert them immediately following the table.

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Table captions Table captions

If your document or article contains only one table, the table doesn’t need a caption. However, ensure that the table succeeds an introductory statement.

But if your document or article contains more than one table in close proximity to each other, include a caption for each table. Write the caption in the form: “Table number. Description“. Use sentence case capitalization and don’t insert a period at the end.

While referring to a table, refer to it by its number. For example, Enter the values as shown in table 3. Don’t capitalize table unless it starts a sentence.


Tip: Recommended: Table 3. BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. reference

For HTML tables, insert a caption using the <caption> element as the first child of the <table> element.


  &lt;caption>&lt;b>Table 3.&lt;/b> Block API reference&lt;/caption>

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Table formatting and content Table formatting and content

  • Arrange the rows in a logical order; if there is no logical order, arrange them alphabetically.
  • Don’t merge cells with each other.
  • Don’t use the rowspan and colspan attributes.
  • Don’t add any form of styling to the table element apart from the default styling of your site.
  • Align text in columns consistently. Don’t combine multiple alignments in a table; for example, don’t align text to the left for one column, and to the right for the other.
  • Don’t leave a cell blank or use a hyphen or dash to indicate that there’s no entry for that cell. Instead use Not applicable or None.
  • Maintain a parallel syntax for all tables and its cells. For example, begin all descriptions within a column with a verb, or a noun.
  • Ensure that the tables are formatted considering responsive design that adapts to different viewport sizes.
  • If possible, balance row height by increasing the width of text-heavy columns and reducing the width of columns with minimal text.

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Table column headings Table column headings

Use column headings in the first row of your table, also known as the header row.

  • Distinguish the header row from the rest of the text in the table. For example, highlight the text in the header row such as making it bolder, larger, and changing the background color.
  • Ensure that the header row is always visible in long tables, so that the column headings are visible while scrolling. Don’t use collapsible or unbound header rows; instead use fixed header rows. It is acceptable to occasionally repeat the header row in downloadable documents.
  • Use sentence case capitalization for column headings.
  • Don’t end column headings with punctuation such as a period, colon, semicolon, or an ellipsis.
  • Write concise headings and omit articles (a, an, the).
  • Don’t write partial column headings such that the sentence or phrase in the column heading continues from the cell text. Discontinuous content proves to be difficult for accessibility and for localization. Instead, write complete column headings.
  • Use table headings for the first column and the first row only. Use the th element.
  • Include the scope attribute as appropriate, for accessibility.

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Linking to tables Linking to tables

Avoid linking to tables whenever possible. Instead refer to them by table number, or link to its parent heading or subheading link targets.

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