

Automatically resize huge image uploads with Imsanity. Choose whatever size and quality you like, and let Imsanity do the rest. When a contributor uploads an image that is larger than the configured size, Imsanity will automatically scale it down to the configured size and replace the original image.

Imsanity also provides a bulk-resize feature to resize previously uploaded images and free up disk space. You may resize individual images from the Media Library’s List View.

This plugin is ideal for blogs that do not require hi-resolution original images to be stored and/or the contributors don’t want (or understand how) to scale images before uploading.


  • Automatically scales large image uploads to a more “sane” size
  • Bulk resize feature to resize existing images
  • Selectively resize images directly in the Media Library (List View)
  • Allows configuration of max width/height and JPG quality
  • Optionally converts BMP and PNG files to JPG for more savings
  • Once enabled, Imsanity requires no actions on the part of the user
  • Uses WordPress built-in image scaling functions


Imsanity is available in several languages, each of which will be downloaded automatically when you install the plugin. To help translate it into your language, visit


Imsanity is developed at (pull requests are welcome)


Originally written by Jason Hinkle (RIP). Maintained and developed by Shane Bishop with special thanks to my Lord and Savior.


  • Imsanity settings page to configure max height/width
  • Imsanity bulk image resize feature


Automatic Installation:

  1. Go to Admin -> Plugins -> Add New and search for “imsanity”
  2. Click the Install Button
  3. Click ‘Activate’

Manual Installation:

  1. Download
  2. Unzip and upload the ‘imsanity’ folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Will installing the Imsanity plugin alter existing images in my blog?

Activating Imsanity will not alter any existing images. Imsanity resizes images as they are uploaded so it does not affect existing images unless you specifically use the “Bulk Image Resize” feature on the Imsanity settings page. The Bulk Resize feature allows you to quickly resize existing images.

Why am I getting an error saying that my “File is not an image” ?

WordPress uses the GD library to handle the image manipulation. GD can be installed and configured to support various types of images. If GD is not configured to handle a particular image type then you will get this message when you try to upload it. For more info see

How can I tell Imsanity to ignore a certain image so I can upload it without being resized?

You can re-name your file and add “-noresize” to the filename. For example if your file is named “photo.jpg” you can rename it “photo-noresize.jpg” and Imsanity will ignore it, allowing you to upload the full-sized image.

If you are a developer (or have one handy), you can also use the ‘imsanity_skip_image’ filter to bypass resizing for any image.

Does Imsanity compress or optimize my images?

While Imsanity does compress JPG images in the process of resizing them, it uses the standard WordPress compression. Thus, the resulting images are not efficiently encoded and can be optimized further (without quality loss) by the EWWW Image Optimizer and many other image optimization plugins.

Will Imsanity resize images from plugin X, Y, or Z?

If the images can be found in the Media Library of your site, then it is likely Imsanity will resize them. Imsanity uses the wp_handle_upload hook to process new uploads and can resize any existing images in the Media Library using the Bulk Resizer. If the images are not in the Media Library, you can use the EWWW Image Optimizer to resize them.

Why would I need this plugin?

Photos taken on any modern camera and most cellphones are too large to display full-size in a browser.
This wastes space on your web server, and wastes bandwidth for your visitors to view these files.

Imsanity allows you to set a sanity limit so that all uploaded images will be constrained to a reasonable size which is still more than large enough for the needs of a typical website. Imsanity hooks into WordPress immediately after the image upload, but before WordPress processing occurs. So WordPress behaves exactly the same in all ways, except it will be as if the contributor had scaled their image to a reasonable size before uploading.

The size limit that imsanity uses is configurable. The default value is large enough to fill the average vistor’s entire screen without scaling so it is still more than large enough for typical usage.

Why would I NOT want to use this plugin?

You might not want to use Imsanity if you use WordPress as a stock art download site, to provide hi-resolution images for print or use WordPress as a hi-resolution photo storage archive.

Doesn’t WordPress already automatically scale images?

When an image is uploaded WordPress keeps the original and, depending on the size of the original, will create up to 4 smaller sized copies of the file (Large, Medium-Large, Medium, Thumbnail) which are intended for embedding on your pages. Unless you have special photographic needs, the original usually sits there unused, but taking up disk quota.

Why did you spell Insanity wrong?

Imsanity is short for “Image Sanity Limit”. A sanity limit is a term for limiting something down to a size or value that is reasonable.

Where do I go for support?

Questions may be posted on the support forum at but if you don’t get an answer, please use


November 6, 2021
Genial para dejar a los clientes que suben imágenes sin mirar el espacio
July 23, 2021
Couldn't find anything with such feature, every other app had a pricing range, setups, but not simple compression. This one made my day
July 18, 2021
Especially if you have an old blog done by someone who had never heard of 'resizing' or 'optimization' LOL Thank you, bulk resizing is very effective
Read all 256 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Imsanity” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Imsanity” has been translated into 18 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Imsanity” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • fixed: delete originals might remove full-size version in rare cases
  • fixed: error thrown for image that is 1 pixel larger than max dimensions


  • changed: clarify text for queue reset button
  • changed: Delete Originals function in bulk/selective resizer will clean metadata if original image is already gone


  • changed: bulk resizer will resize all images with no limits, use list mode for selective resizing
  • added: see current dimensions and resize individual images in Media Library list mode
  • added: imsanity_disable_convert filter to bypass BMP/PNG to JPG conversion options conditionally
  • added: imsanity_skip_image filter to bypass resizing programmatically
  • added: ability to remove pre-scaled original image backup (in bulk or selectively)
  • changed: PNG images will not be converted if transparency is found
  • fixed: BMP files not converted when server uses image/x-ms-bmp as mime identifier
  • removed: Deep Scan option is the default behavior now, no need for configuration


  • fixed: wrong parameter passed to imsanity_attachment_path()


  • added: wp-cli command ‘wp help imsanity resize’
  • fixed: adding an image to a post in pre-draft status uses wrong settings/dimensions


  • added: imsanity_allowed_mimes filter to override the default list of image formats allowed
  • added: imsanity_orientation filter to modify auto-rotation behavior, return 1 to bypass
  • added: imsanity_get_max_width_height filter to customize max width/height
  • added: define network settings as defaults for new sites in multi-site mode
  • fixed: WP threshold of 2560 overrides Imsanity when using larger dimensions
  • fixed: settings link on plugins page broken in some cases
  • fixed: crop filter not applied if max width or height is equal to existing dimension
  • fixed: invalid capabilities used for settings page – props @cfoellmann

Earlier versions

Please refer to the separate changelog.txt file.