Proposal: 2022 Global Community Sponsorship program

tl;dr: Due to the unpredictability in what events are happening and where, the global sponsorship program proposal for 2022 is similar to the pared-down 2021 program, with a single package. Sponsorship of WordCamps will be offered as an add-on, billed quarterly.

Below you will find a proposal draft for the Global Community Sponsorship program for 2022, with one package being offered as an annual commitment.

As the WordPress Community transitions to holding in-person WordCamps, the question arises of how the Global Sponsorship program will accommodate those events. Until we have more predictability in what events are happening and where, we will offer WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. sponsorship per event, billed at the end of each quarter.

Questions? Feedback?

If you have any questions, observations, or critical feedback about this proposal or the program in general, please comment on this post, no later than 15 October 2021. We hope to finalize the program details by 28 October 2021, to allow sponsors time to sign up by the end of the year.

Thanks so much for the hard work, input, and feedback by @angelasjin, @kcristiano, @_dorsvenabili, @sippis, and @courtneypk, with help crunching the numbers from @harmonyromo.

Now onto the proposal!

The Details

42% of the web is powered by WordPress, the free and open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. software built and maintained by thousands of volunteers all over the world. The WordPress contributor community is made up of developers, designers, writers, photographers, freelancers, agency professionals, and hobbyists, many of whom gather regularly around the world at locally-organized monthly and annual events. Official WordPress community events are exclusively volunteer-organized, and each reflects the interests and expertise of the local community.

In 2021, a significant amount of WordPress events were held online, due to the pandemic. Our community, despite the pandemic, organized 14 WordCamps in 2021, and 755 meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. groups in the WordPress chapter program met over 2,400 times.

What’s a WordCamp?

WordCamp is the annual conference for local WordPress communities; it’s a casual, non-commercial, educational event about WordPress. Events range from intimate 50-person unconferences to multi-track conferences attended by over 3,000. Conference session topics include WordPress development, design, business, social media integration, blogging, and marketing. WordCamp tickets are sold at an extremely low price ($25 USD per person, per day) so that events are accessible to people of any financial background. Online WordCamps are always free of charge to attend.

WordCamp Program Data

At the time of writing, there were 14 WordCamps in 2021, all of them taking place online. It is difficult to project the growth in numbers of events in 2022 as the pandemic continues, but we will see the return of in-person WordCamps, and we do anticipate that online events will continue. 

WordCamps confirmed for 2022 can be found on the official schedule.

Please note that the Global Community Sponsorship program does not include flagship events such as WordCamp Europe, WordCamp Asia, or WordCamp US, even though they’re listed on the official schedule.

What’s a Meetup?

WordPress MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. are locally-organized user groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis to discuss WordPress (commonly once a month). These events take many formats: presentations/lecture series, hackathons, social gatherings, workshops, coworking, running a WordPress help desk, contributor sprints/drives, and others. Groups hosted on can become an official WordPress chapter group and receive financial and organizational support from the WordPress Community team.

Meetup Program Data (as of 24 September 2021)

  • 755 groups
  • 111 countries with a meetup group
  • 470,605 group members, program-wide
  • 2,498 meetup events scheduled in 2021 to date

How does event sponsorship help WordPress?

Companies that sponsor WordPress community events support the WordPress open source project by helping our volunteer-organized, local events provide free or low-cost access for attendees. WordPress community events strengthen, inspire, and connect the community that builds and maintains WordPress.

Why sponsor via this program rather than sponsoring individual events?

As the WordPress community continues to grow, many companies find they don’t have time to coordinate with multiple teams of volunteer event organizers. The WordPress Global Community Sponsorship Program ensures that your support reaches WordCamps and meetups quickly and provides stability to locally-organized events. WordPress global community sponsors have a single, centralized point of contact and are billed annually or quarterly, saving companies time and trouble.

This year, only one sponsorship package is offered as an annual commitment. A single package should make this easier to administrate, which is extra-important right now, as volunteer engagement is (for perfectly understandable reasons) so low.

As the WordPress Community transitions to holding in-person WordCamps, the question arises of how the Global Sponsorship program will accommodate those events. Until we have more predictability in what events are happening and where, we will offer sponsorship of WordCamps, billed at the end of each quarter.

Please note that the Global Community Sponsorship program does not include flagship events WordCamp Asia, WordCamp Europe, or WordCamp US, as the scale of those events are outside the scope of this program.

2022 Global Sponsorship benefit package proposal

Cost: USD $10,000 per quarter

  1. Featured on all WordPress chapter meetup group pages (as of September 2021: 470,605 Members, 755 groups, 111 countries). This includes your logo, with a link back to the company landing page of your choice, on chapter meetup group landing and event pages.
  2. Acknowledgement in all WordCamp “ticket purchase successful�? pages (14,497 in 2021).
  3. Acknowledgement on the WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. home page (over 400k annual views).
  4. Acknowledgement in one program-wide email to all (over 470k) members of a WordPress chapter account meetup group.
  5. Acknowledgement on sponsor page on WordCamp Central (3,775 views in the past 365 days).
  6. Monthly email with spreadsheet of WordCamps in planning and on the schedule
  7. Acknowledgement on all monthly Meetup Organizer Newsletters (received by 1,675+ WordPress community influencers every month).
  8. Opportunity to list discounts or free resources that meetup and WordCamp organizers can use for new user workshops, charity hackathons, etc., on the official WordCamp Organizer handbook page for use at community events. This page will be promoted through the Meetup Organizer newsletter, received by 1,675+ WordPress community influencers monthly.

ADD-ON: WordCamp benefits

Cost: Varies; based on local WordCamps top publicized sponsorship level, billed at the end of each quarter.

  1. Name, logo, and company description on all WordCamp websites
  2. Inclusion in the “Thank You To Our Sponsors�? blog post on each WordCamp
  3. A sponsor landing page that includes a discount or coupon code for your product or service in your company description, posted to all WordCamps (subject to approval)
  4. Table at in-person WordCamps for meeting attendees, if space is available*
  5. A number of swag items added to the swag table of each in-person WordCamp, if available (subject to approval)
  6. A number of free tickets to each in-person WordCamp, reserved for your company representatives**

*Not all WordCamp venues will have space to provide tables to sponsors, but if the venue has enough space to accommodate sponsor tables, then community sponsors will be offered exhibition space. In your notification email, you’ll be informed whether or not the venue has exhibition space so you can request a table right away.

**Free, reserved tickets will return to the general ticket pool if they are not claimed one month before WordCamp. Tickets reserved for sponsors should not be used for ticket giveaways; these are only for your company representatives who wish to attend the event.

Please see Rules for Sponsor Materials for more details about terms of sponsorship. Please also see our sample sponsorship agreement.

#global-sponsorship, #proposal, #sponsorship