WP Crowdfunding


WP Crowdfunding is a WooCommerce based plugin that empowers anyone to create a crowdfunding site using WordPress content management system. It’s very user-friendly and convenient to manage. Most of the basic WP Crowdfunding features are offered in this free version. Advanced features like centralised Native Wallet System, Stripe Connect, analytical reports, email notifications, unlimited rewards and so on are available in paid versions.

Please read the documentation.

Try WP Crowdfunding


Here are the most notable features of WP Crowdfunding plugin. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us. Below are the best offerings of WP Crowdfunding.

Submitting/Adding a Project

  • Dedicated user registration feature
  • Frontend project submission form
  • Project start & end date options
  • Setting a featured image and video
  • Minimum & maximum price options
  • Define a recommended price
  • Declare a funding goal
  • Reward system with estimated delivery date (1 reward in the free version)
  • Campaign end method (Target goal)
  • Campaign end method (Target date)
  • Campaign end method (Target goal & date)
  • Campaign end method (Campaign never ends)

More Options for a Published Project

  • Project update option
  • Display the backer(s) in project single page
  • Display the backer(s) name as anonymous

Features: Frontend Dashboard Sections for Users

  • Update the profile and contact information
  • See own projects list
  • Check the backed projects list
  • Explore the received pledges list
  • Visit bookmarks list (favorited projects)
  • Change account password

Advanced Features for Admins and Developers

  • Template overriding option for developers
  • Standard WordPress dashboard access for WP Crowdfunding, WooCommerce and other configurations
  • Adding and handling the payment methods

Exclusive Features in the Paid Version

  • Unlimited rewards with estimated delivery date
  • Native Wallet System to track, calculate, record and distribute all funds (an alternative system of Stripe Connect)
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • Email notifications
  • Analytical reports
  • Social share
  • Stripe Connect
  • 1 Year plugin update
  • 1 Year Support
  • Many more feature coming soon

Please let us know your feedback, if you think something can be more awesome this plugin, we will added it.

Shortcode List

To use these shortcodes, just place the required shortcode(s) on your desired location.

  • Listing Shortcode [wpcf_listing]
  • Listing Shortcode with specific category [wpcf_listing cat=”cat_name”]
  • Submission Form Shortcode [wpcf_form]
  • Search Shortcode [wpcf_search]
  • Crowdfunding User Dashboard Shortcode [wpcf_dashboard]
  • Crowdfunding User Registration Shortcode [wpcf_registration]
  • Single Campaign [wpcf_single_campaign campaign_id=”post_id”]
  • Campaign Box [wpcf_campaign_box campaign_id=”post_id”]
  • Popular Campaigns [wpcf_popular_campaigns limit=”4″ column=”4″ order=”DESC” class=””]
  • Donate [wpcf_donate campaign_id=”124″ amount=”9000″ min_amount=”5″ max_amount=”1000″ show_input_box=”true” donate_button_text=”Donate”]

Pro Version

Pro Plugin

Crowdfunding Themes

Backer Crowdfunding Theme
BackNow Crowdfunding Theme
Patrios Crowdfunding Theme


Developed by Themeum


  • Admin Dashboard
  • Crowdfunding General Settings
  • Crowdfunding Listing Page Settings
  • Crowdfunding Single Page Settings
  • Crowdfunding WooCommerce Settings
  • Crowdfunding Frontend Dashboard


This plugin provides 9 blocks.

  • Popular Campaigns
  • Single Campaign
  • Campaign Search
  • Donation
  • Campaign Box
  • Dashboard
  • Project Listing
  • Registration
  • Campaign Submission


  1. Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New, then search WP CrowdFunding and click Install Now
  2. Upload ‘wp-crowdfunding’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Click on the new menu item “CrowdFunding” and Setup your Settings.


Q. Where can I get the support?

A. You can get support by posting on the support section of this plugin on WordPress plugins directory or directly ask your question to Themeum Forums

Q. Can I use my existing WordPress theme?

A. Sure, you can use your existing WordPress theme with WP Crowdfunding.

Q. Where can I report a bug?

A. Found a bug? Please let us know by posting on the support section of this plugin on WordPress plugins directory or directly mailing to [email protected]

Q. Is WP CrowdFunding free?

A. There are two versions of WP CrowdFunding. One is free and another is paid. The paid version has some more advanced features which are not accessible in the free version.


August 24, 2021
Purchased a pro lifetime license - big mistake. Months and months without critical bug fixes. Support very slow to respond. No real development.
December 12, 2020
Muy bueno el pluing, solo que el coste es muy elevado cuando es para una campaña personal.
December 4, 2020
Their support team went above and beyond in helping me with my questions. I have had a great experience with their customer service team. Thanks guys, keep it up!
November 28, 2020
9:30 PM on a Friday night EST Munayam M was a lifesaver and tremendous help sorting out some custom css . Thank you so much : ) !!
Read all 85 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Crowdfunding” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP Crowdfunding” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WP Crowdfunding” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Fix: Raw donations without Rewards are filtered out from Rewards Column of CF Dashboard
Fix: The Order Confirmation Email Does Not Show the Selected Reward
Fix: Payment Info Section Removed from CF Dashboard
Fix: Checkout Button Text Changed from “Pay Now” to Back Campaign Now
Fix: All Automated Order Emails for WP Crowdfunding has been Modified Textually


New: Added Gallery Image Uploader in the Campaign Form
New: Added Number of Campaigns Per Page Option in CF Settings
Fix: Translation Issue on Campaign Countdown Text
Fix: Social Share Button Not Working in Single Campaign Page
Fix: Changed the Name to be the Username in CF Dashboard Profile Section
Fix: Older Donation Does Not Show in the List


Fix: Translation issues
Fix: Reward remains enabled on the frontend cf-campaign-form even after disabling it
Update: JS and CSS minified

2.0.8 – 09 December, 2020

New: Latest widgets added from the Backer theme.
New: WP Mega Menu Compatibility logical issue
New: Now you can export campaign user’s data
New: Overwrite form system via a filter
Update: Introducing compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6
Fix: Reset Password option was not working in the Crowdfunding Form
Fix: Document not printing properly for the reward item details print option
Fix: Warning notice when feature image for a campaign was empty
Fix: Issue regarding payments not depositing in Wallet
Fix: Payment issue regarding Stripe Connect
Fix: Text Multiline issue for the reward section on frontend
Fix: Text contraction (ex: isn’t, hasn’t, etc) was not showing correctly on the frontend
Fix: The recommended amount for backing not showing properly on the frontend.

2.0.7 – 6 October, 2020

Fix: Some field settings enable/disable options were not working properly.
Fix: Reset Settings button in the bottom section of the General settings was not working.

2.0.6 – 30 September, 2020

New: Enable/disable option for specific sections of the campaign submission form
New: Multiple filter hooks added to the campaign submission form to make it easier for developers to add their own fields
Update: Error message added for wrong credentials in Login Page
Update: Animation added for better UX for the Add Reward button
Fix: Reward tab was not working properly in the backend.
Fix: Campaign submission form not working when the PRO version was activated
Fix: Campaign update status was not showing in the backend
Fix: Campaign update details text field not working properly
Fix: Pledge amount field now supports numbers-only
Fix: Campaign update caused frontend issues regarding footer for some themes
Fix: The campaign submission form calendar field had some CSS conflicts with some themes
Fix: Some translation issues
Fix: Few CSS issues

2.0.5 – 2 June, 2020

9 all-new Gutenberg blocks to make your crowdfunding site-building experience easier. The blocks are
* Added: Search Block
* Added: Donation Block
* Added: Registration Block
* Added: Dashboard Block
* Added: Campaign Submission Block
* Added: Campaign box Block
* Added: Single Campaign Block
* Added: Popular Campaign Block
* Added: Project Listing Block

2.0.4 – 5 May, 2020

Fix: Single page crowdfunding reward description line break issue
Fix: WooCommerce physical shop products counting as crowdfunding projects issue
Fix: Single campaign page was not previewing links properly
Fix: Wrong login credentials took users to default WordPress backend login instead of the same form
Fix: Campaign Update Status not showing after adding a new campaign
Fix: Fund-raising percentage showing more than 100%

2.0.3 – 2 April, 2020

Update: Redesign for WooCommerce & WP Crowdfunding Pro notices on dashboard
Fix: Received rewards column issue in user’s pledges menu on dashboard
Fix: Campaign detail page broken issue
Fix: Issue with hiding WooCommerce products from the shop page
Fix: Campaign update status line break issue
Fix: Color option in campaign submit form button
Fix: Issue with separating crowdfunding category form on frontend
Fix: Welcome email for new account not working properly
Fix: ‘get_author_name’ function issue
Fix: Owner dashboard column CSS issue
Fix: Author name missing in full bio lightbox issue
Fix: Withdraw request design
Fix: Spelling mistake in the plugin interface
Fix: Submit form shortcode filter
Fix: Few CSS issues

2.0.2 – 24 September, 2019

  • Fixed: CSS inherit issue fixed

2.0.1 – 02 August, 2019

  • Fixed: PHP Warnings in WooCommerce product edit
  • Fixed: CSS issue in dashboard campaign list
  • Fixed: Backward compatibilities

2.0.0 – 31 July, 2019

  • Added: Addon list menu with enable disable option
  • Added: [reward_details] param in WP CrowdFunding New Backed Notification email
  • Added: ‘wpcf_popular_campaigns’ Shortcode
  • Added: ‘wpcf_donate’ Shortcode
  • Updated: Social share addon
  • Fixed: SMTP email settings
  • Fixed: Menu hide problem in dashboard contact and bookmark page
  • Fixed: Empty data design issue in bookmark and reward page
  • Fixed: PHP warnings in WooCommerce cart page
  • FIxed: WooCommerce deprecated functions
  • Fixed: Selected reward issue in checkout page
  • Fixed: Campaign rating CSS issue in Twenty Nineten theme
  • Fixed: Single campaign shortcode issue
  • Fixed: Campaign form media upload CSS issue
  • Fixed: Fatal error in Woocommerce order page
  • Fixed: Campaign form start date and end date CSS issue in Tweny Nineteen theme

1.9.1 – 29 May, 2019

  • Added: Status bar on the backend
  • Added: Campaign invoice print function
  • Update: CSS improvement
  • Fixed: Campaign never ends date time issue
  • Fixed: Coupon disable issue

1.9.0 – 03 May, 2019

  • Fixed: We revert the previous version for an mistake update

1.8.9 – 03 May, 2019

  • Fixed: priority for template loading for wp crowdfunding overwriting ability template

1.8.8 – 25 April, 2019

  • Updated: WPML support added
  • Updated: Day to go condition
  • Fixed: Translate mistake
  • Fixed: Spelling mistake
  • Fixed: Search shortcode bug
  • Fixed: Empty image problem in profile
  • Fixed: Non-crowdfunding product coupon problem
  • Fixed: User profile issue
  • Fixed: Days counter issue fixed

1.8.7 – 12 March, 2019

  • Added campaign status change after edit/modify the campaign from dashboard based on settings
  • Fixed: Initial plugin activation error through
  • Fixed: Individual product show amount field after check sold product individually when wp-crowdfunding is activated
  • Fixed: WC()->session null issues
  • Fixed: Few known bugs


  • Fixed an issue after update 1.8.5 (Recaptcha not found)


  • Contributor’s name as Anonymous issue
  • 2checkout payment Vendor.js issue
  • Displaying selected Rewards on the checkout page issue
  • Campaign owner count issue
  • Showing campaign end method on the campaign single page issue


  • Added: Native wallet deposit features, users can now donate to campaign using wallet balance
  • Added: Donate Button, any where it can be place this donation button via shortcode.
  • Added: Popular campaigns shortcode
  • Added: Author Campaigns lists with a separate URL for author single page to show all of campaigns by author
  • Added: Prevent Campaign Donate before Start date, it will show a countdown to launch campaign
  • Added: Add Image, Video, Shortcode support in Campaign Update lists
  • Fixed: Separated days to go and days until launch in campaign
  • Fixed: Some resource http to https
  • Fixed: Problem with anonymous payment
  • Fixed: On click view author profile on modal at campaign single page
  • Fixed: Several count function issue to support PhP 7.0
  • Fixed: Reward year input and output
  • Fixed: Several meta call
  • Fixed: Updated, it was randomly Disappear
  • Fixed: the_content filter for show reward form in right sidebar, It Removed the_content for show reward sidebar form,
    it’s moved to template
  • Fixed: Bug on the WP Crowdfunding plugin, some closing div need ending
  • Fixed: Properly used campaign start date and end date
  • Improved: Performance and functionalities


  • Added: Admin can now review backers profile
  • Added: Single File Templating Overwriting in Theme
  • Added: Crowdfunding own category
  • Added: License Expire Date
  • Fixed: Placing predefined donate amount after comma separator
  • Fixed: Spelling Plages to Pledges
  • Fixed: User can’t modify submitted campaign
  • Fixed: Short-code does not work in campaign single page
  • Fixed: Few translate issue in template
  • Fixed: The HTML issue Reward sidebar
  • Fixed: Frontpage My Profile profile picture button hide the Upload button when user is not in edit mode
  • Fixed: Image upload bug, $user_signon = wp_signon( $info, false ); to $user_signon = wp_signon( $info, true );
  • Fixed: submit-form.php, $meta_count = $reward_data_array; replaced with $meta_count = is_array($reward_data_array) ?
    count($reward_data_array) : 0; (PHP 7.0 compatible)
  • Fixed: Embed code does not work in campaign single page
  • Fixed: Change License Page Form Field Name
  • Renamed: Two Button Name in report export button


  • Fixed: reCaptcha Addon


  • Fixed: an issue with email class in add-on email


  • Added: Predefined Donation Amount Placed in single campaign page
  • Added: Live update with license system in the Pro Version
  • Added: WooCommerce Email templating for send notification to backers, campaign owner, admin
  • Added: Single product shortcode, now campaign single page can placed to any posts, pages or any others places
  • Added: Campaign preview box shortcake
  • Added: Add-on to pay campaign owner 100%, (Using PayPal standard)
  • Added: Dynamic Redirect Url after registration success
  • Fixed: Spelling mistake in crowdfunding dashboard
  • Fixed: HTML Tag bug on single page
  • Fixed: Withdraw button at wallet add-on
  • Fixed: Accessing some static id to method, example => Replaced $order->id with $order->get_id()
  • Fixed: Bug at Stripe Connect API
  • Fixed: http issue in https website
  • Fixed: Some spacing
  • Fixed: Dashboard Bug


  • Fix a bug in reward selecting where Backed campaign located


  • Added email notification in WooCommerce way in pro version.


  • Fixed an issue in user registration form redirect.


  • Fixed an error (Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_type() on boolean) /wp-content/plugins/wp-crowdfunding/includes/woocommerce/class-wpneo-crowdfunding.php:726 new line if( ! $product_id ) return;


  • Fixed a bug in dashboard reports
  • Performance Improved


  • Added Logout Link
  • Fixed some known bugs
  • Removed Unused Code


  • Wallet issue fixed
  • Profile image issue fixed
  • Translation Problem fixed
  • Dashboard completely redesigned
  • CSS issue fixed
  • Project status chart added


  • Fixed a Social Share bug.
  • Performance Improved


  • Iframe export / Embed Option Add
  • HTML Reward Support
  • Reward Unicode Supported
  • Billing Name Issue Fixed
  • Campaign Update Unicode Supported
  • Anonymous Checkout Problem
  • Remove Link From Promotional Page
  • Person Image Error Issue Fixed
  • Reward Responsive Issue Fixed
  • Date Support Arabic Date Transform
  • Currency Switcher Supports
  • Fraction Value Supports For Payments
  • Fixed some bug.


  • Updated wpcf_ajax_object in the crowdfunding-front.js files,
  • Fixed some bug.


  • Updated some minor broken link


  • Added a filter woocommerce_product_cf_meta_data in
    /plugins/wp-crowdfunding/includes/woocommerce/class-wpneo-frontend-hook.php, Removed all tfoot, Fixed a issue in
    PayPal Live payment issue, change ajax_object to wpcf_ajax_object,
  • added a prefix to /plugins/wp-crowdfunding/includes/woocommerce/class-wpneo-frontend-hook.php.


  • Remove Deprecated Method,
  • Removed Unused Reward from Session During Cart/Donation,
  • Permalink Plain Text Bug Fix,
  • Translation Bug Fix,
  • Reward Quantity Bug Fix,
  • Checkout Only Crowdfunding Cart Bug Fix


  • WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility issue fixed, as well backword version of WooCommerce support added.


  • Fixed a bug in getting user roles. We placed $roles = get_editable_roles(); in the tab-general.php


  • Fix $this variable issue in the campaign edit page


  • Supported WooCommerce native single page for the campaign details.
  • Fixed Some Bug


  • Fixed front page listing pagination bug.
  • admin settings tab fixed. and other bug fixed


  • Native wallet system has been added in the pro version.
  • Fixed initial campaign permission setup during plugin setup.
  • Fixed some bug, performance improved


  • Changed some template file structure, button color from backend, fixed some minor bug


  • Minor bug fix


  • Minor bug fix


  • PHP 5.2.17 compatibility
  • Minor bug fix


  • Initial version released