ConfirmDialog Edit

This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

ConfirmDialog is built of top of [Modal](/packages/components/src/modal/] and displays a confirmation dialog, with confirm and cancel buttons.

The dialog is confirmed by clicking the confirm button or by pressing the Enter key. It is cancelled (closed) by clicking the cancel button, by pressing the ESC key, or by clicking outside the dialog focus (i.e, the overlay).

Usage Usage

ConfirmDialog has two main implicit modes: controlled and uncontrolled.

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Uncontrolled mode Uncontrolled mode

Allows the component to be used standalone, just by declaring it as part of another React’s component render method:
* It will be automatically open (displayed) upon mounting;
* It will be automatically closed when when clicking the cancel button, by pressing the ESC key, or by clicking outside the dialog focus (i.e, the overlay);
* onCancel is not mandatory but can be passed. Even if passed, the dialog will still be able to close itself.

Activating this mode is as simple as omitting the isOpen prop. The only mandatory prop, in this case, is the onConfirm callback. The message is passed as the children. You can pass any JSX you’d like, which allows to further format the message or include sub-component if you’d like:

import {
  __experimentalConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
  return (
    <ConfirmDialog onConfirm={ () => console.debug(' Confirmed! ') }>
      Are you sure? <strong>This action cannot be undone!</strong>

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Controlled mode Controlled mode

Let the parent component control when the dialog is open/closed. It’s activated when a boolean value is passed to isOpen:
* It will not be automatically closed. You need to let it know when to open/close by updating the value of the isOpen prop;
* Both onConfirm and the onCancel callbacks are mandatory props in this mode;
* You’ll want to update the state that controls isOpen by updating it from the onCancel and onConfirm callbacks.

import {
  __experimentalConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
  const [ isOpen, setIsOpen ] = useState( true );

  const handleConfirm = () => {
    console.debug( 'Confirmed!' );
    setIsOpen( false );

  const handleCancel = () => {
    console.debug( 'Cancelled!' );
    setIsOpen( false );

  return (
      isOpen={ isOpen }
      onConfirm={ handleConfirm }
      onCancel={ handleCancel }
      Are you sure? <strong>This action cannot be undone!</strong>

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Unsupported: Multiple instances Unsupported: Multiple instances

Multiple ConfirmDialog's is an edge case that's currently not officially supported by this component. At the moment, new instances will end up closing the last instance due to the way theModal` is implemented.

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Custom Types Custom Types

type DialogInputEvent =
    | KeyboardEvent< HTMLDivElement >
    | MouseEvent< HTMLButtonElement >

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Props Props

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title: string title: string

  • Required: No

An optional title for the dialog. Setting a title will render it in a title bar at the top of the dialog, making it a bit taller. The bar will also include an x close button at the top-right corner.

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children: React.ReactNode children: React.ReactNode

  • Required: Yes

The actual message for the dialog. It’s passed as children and any valid ReactNode is accepted:

 Are you sure? <strong>This action cannot be undone!</strong>

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isOpen: boolean isOpen: boolean

  • Required: No

Defines if the dialog is open (displayed) or closed (not rendered/displayed). It also implicitly toggles the controlled mode if set or the uncontrolled mode if it’s not set.

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onConfirm: ( event: DialogInputEvent ) => void onConfirm: ( event: DialogInputEvent ) => void

  • Required: Yes

The callback that’s called when the user confirms. A confirmation can happen when the OK button is clicked or when Enter is pressed.

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onCancel: ( event: DialogInputEvent ) => void onCancel: ( event: DialogInputEvent ) => void

  • Required: Only if isOpen is not set

The callback that’s called when the user cancels. A cancellation can happen when the Cancel button is clicked, when the ESC key is pressed, or when a click outside of the dialog focus is detected (i.e. in the overlay).

It’s not required if isOpen is not set (uncontrolled mode), as the component will take care of closing itself, but you can still pass a callback if something must be done upon cancelling (the component will still close itself in this case).

If isOpen is set (controlled mode), then it’s required, and you need to set the state that defines isOpen to false as part of this callback if you want the dialog to close when the user cancels.