Popover Edit

Popover is a React component to render a floating content modal. It is similar in purpose to a tooltip, but renders content of any sort, not only simple text. It anchors itself to its parent node, optionally by a specified direction. If the popover exceeds the bounds of the page in the direction it opens, its position will be flipped automatically.

Usage Usage

Render a Popover within the parent to which it should anchor:

import { Button, Popover } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';

const MyPopover = () => {
    const [ isVisible, setIsVisible ] = useState( false );
    const toggleVisible = () => {
        setIsVisible( ( state ) => ! state );

    return (
        <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ toggleVisible }>
            Toggle Popover!
            { isVisible && <Popover>Popover is toggled!</Popover> }

If a Popover is returned by your component, it will be shown. To hide the popover, simply omit it from your component’s render value.

If you want Popover elements to render to a specific location on the page to allow style cascade to take effect, you must render a Popover.Slot further up the element tree:

import { render } from '@wordpress/element';
import { Popover } from '@wordpress/components';
import Content from './Content';

const app = document.getElementById( 'app' );

        <Content />
        <Popover.Slot />

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Props Props

The component accepts the following props. Props not included in this set will be applied to the element wrapping Popover content.

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focusOnMount focusOnMount

By default, the first tabblable element in the popover will receive focus when it mounts. This is the same as setting focusOnMount to "firstElement". If you want to focus the container instead, you can set focusOnMount to "container".

Set this prop to false to disable focus changing entirely. This should only be set when an appropriately accessible substitute behavior exists.

  • Type: String or Boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: "firstElement"

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position position

The direction in which the popover should open relative to its parent node. Specify y- and x-axis as a space-separated string. Supports "top", "middle", "bottom" y axis, and "left", "center", "right" x axis.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: "bottom right"

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children children

The content to be displayed within the popover.

  • Type: Element
  • Required: Yes

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className className

An optional additional class name to apply to the rendered popover.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No

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onClose onClose

A callback invoked when the popover should be closed.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

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onFocusOutside onFocusOutside

A callback invoked when the focus leaves the opened popover. This should only be provided in advanced use-cases when a Popover should close under specific circumstances; for example, if the new document.activeElement is content of or otherwise controlling Popover visibility.

Defaults to onClose when not provided.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

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expandOnMobile expandOnMobile

Opt-in prop to show popovers fullscreen on mobile, pass false in this prop to avoid this behavior.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

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headerTitle headerTitle

Set this to customize the text that is shown in popover’s header when it is fullscreen on mobile.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No

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noArrow noArrow

Set this to hide the arrow which visually indicates what the popover is anchored to. Note that the arrow will not display if position is set to "middle center".

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true

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anchorRect anchorRect

A custom DOMRect object at which to position the popover. anchorRect is used when the position (custom DOMRect object) of the popover needs to be fixed at one location all the time.

  • Type: DOMRect
  • Required: No

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getAnchorRect getAnchorRect

A callback function which is used to override the anchor value computation algorithm. anchorRect will take precedence over this prop, if both are passed together.

If you need the DOMRect object i.e., the position of popover to be calculated on every time, the popover re-renders, then use getAnchorRect.

getAnchorRect callback function receives a reference to the popover anchor element as a function parameter and it should return a DOMRect object.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

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Methods Methods

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refresh refresh

Calling refresh() will force the Popover to recalculate its size and position. This is useful when a DOM change causes the anchor node to change position.