Card Edit

Card provides a flexible and extensible content container.

Usage Usage

Card also provides a convenient set of sub-components such as CardBody, CardHeader, CardFooter, and more (see below).

import {
    __experimentalText as Text,
    __experimentalHeading as Heading,
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
                <Heading size={ 4 }>Card Title</Heading>
                <Text>Card Content</Text>
                <Text>Card Footer</Text>

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Props Props

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elevation: number elevation: number

Size of the elevation shadow, based on the Style system’s elevation system. This may be helpful in highlighting certain content. For more information, check out Elevation.

  • Required: No
  • Default: 0

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isBorderless: boolean isBorderless: boolean

Renders without a border.

  • Required: No
  • Default: false

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isRounded: boolean isRounded: boolean

Renders with rounded corners.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true

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size: string size: string

Determines the amount of padding within the component.

  • Required: No
  • Default: medium
  • Allowed values: xSmall, small, medium, large

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Inherited props Inherited props

Card also inherits all of the Surface props.

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Sub-Components Sub-Components

This component provides a collection of sub-component that can be used to compose various interfaces.

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Sub-Components Example Sub-Components Example

import {
} from '@wordpress/components';

const Example = () => (
        <CardDivider />
            <img src="..." />

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Context Context

<Card />‘s sub-components are connected to <Card /> using Context. Certain props like size and isBorderless are passed through to some of the sub-components.

In the following example, the <CardBody /> will render with a size of small:

import { Card, CardBody } from '@wordpress/components';

const Example = () => (
    <Card size="small">

These sub-components are designed to be flexible. The Context props can be overridden by the sub-component(s) as required. In the following example, the last <CardBody /> will render it’s specified size:

import { Card, CardBody } from '@wordpress/components';

const Example = () => (
    <Card size="small">
        <CardBody size="large">...</CardBody>