SearchControl Edit

SearchControl components let users display a search control.

Table of contents Table of contents

  1. Development guidelines
  2. Related components

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Development guidelines Development guidelines

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Usage Usage

Render a user interface to input the name of an additional css class.

import { SearchControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';

function MySearchControl( { className, setState } ) {
    const [ searchInput, setSearchInput ] = useState( '' );

    return (
            value={ searchInput }
            onChange={ setSearchInput }

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Props Props

The set of props accepted by the component will be specified below.
Props not included in this set will be applied to the input element.

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label label

If this property is added, a label will be generated using label property as the content.

  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes

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placeholder placeholder

If this property is added, a specific placeholder will be used for the input.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No

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value value

The current value of the input.

  • Type: String | Number
  • Required: Yes

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className className

The class that will be added to the classes of the wrapper div.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No

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onChange onChange

A function that receives the value of the input.

  • Type: function
  • Required: Yes

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help help

If this property is added, a help text will be generated using help property as the content.

  • Type: String|WPElement
  • Required: No

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hideLabelFromVision hideLabelFromVision

If true, the label will only be visible to screen readers.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No

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  • To offer users more constrained options for input, use TextControl, SelectControl, RadioControl, CheckboxControl, or RangeControl.