@wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config Edit

WordPress npm-package-json-lint shareable configuration.

Installation Installation

Install the module

$ npm install @wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config

Note: This package requires Node.js 12.0.0 or later. It is not compatible with older versions.

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Usage Usage

Add this to your package.json file:

"npmpackagejsonlint": {
    "extends": "@wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config",

Or to a .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json file in the root of your repo:

    "extends": "@wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config"

To add, modify, or override any npm-package-json-lint rules add this to your package.json file:

"npmpackagejsonlint": {
    "extends": "@wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config",
    "rules": {
        "valid-values-author": [

Or to a .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json file in the root of your repo:

    "extends": "@wordpress/npm-package-json-lint-config",
    "rules": {
        "require-publishConfig": "error",
        "valid-values-author": [ "error", [ "WordPress" ] ]

Code is Poetry.