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We're on your team.
When you need a copy shop to bring the heat, it’s time to hire Full Court Press.

We’re a commercial printer located in Maine that offers a full range of print services. At Full Court Press, we’re more than just a copy shop. Some of our print services include color copies, black and white copies, posters, binding, calendars, cards, business cards and every door direct mail.

Ready to get started? Let us help.
Place an order or get help on a new project by visiting our Customer Service Center. Head over to Resources & Support to download useful software and find helpful tips and tricks. Plus, find out more about what makes us special by clicking on Company Information.

Our easy-to-use site makes us a commercial printer worth working with. Need something else? Don’t hesitate to reach out and drop us a line.

Proudly serving greater Portland and beyond!

Enjoy your visit!

Hot Off The Press

If you aren’t sure where to start, leave it to us - the professionals! Take your idea and brainstorm with experts so you can come up with the perfect direct mailer this holiday season.

Think of the influencer like the peanut butter to your jelly. They already have a following, and they’re willing to help spread the word about your product or service. Check out these ways to leverage influencer marketing for your business. 

Sometimes the key to success is simply stepping back to evaluate and taking time to recharge. It may seem counterintuitive, but studies have shown that taking a break can lead to increased productivity. Remember to take your time this holiday season to produce your best efforts!

Curiosity is a human trait that can help grab the attention of your audience, customers both new and old. As a marketer, understanding these human mannerisms and characteristics can help you succeed.

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