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John Parkinson
WordPress, some tech stuff and life in general
WordPress, some tech stuff and life in general


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@ithemes Way To Go iThemes! @corymiller303

Yesterday I logged into my work website and noticed this…… Well……I certainly have not made 6,301 edits to any of my websites, probably in the entire time I have been using WordPress. I went to the iThemes website logged in and went to the support page. It…
Way To Go iThemes!
Way To Go iThemes!
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John Parkinson WP OldFart I have been using WordPress since 2010, attended my first WordCamp that year and gave my first presentation at WordCamp Columbus in 2011. I consider myself a user. Pictured to the left is my son Michael. He likes to attend…
Profile – Atomic Plugin
Profile – Atomic Plugin
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@bph @karmatosed @MrAhmadAwais @learnwithmattc @jcasabona WordCamp Lancaster - Gutenberg

Listed below are Gutenberg resources that I used or found in my preparation for my presentation. I tried to find articles and videos that were published recently (within the past three months).   I have had a lot of help as I tried to find information to…
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Keep yourself busy if you want to avoid depression. For me, inactivity is the enemy. Matt Lucas It has been a crazy few months for me. I did not like the fact that I had to put my efforts with the WordPress TV team aside for a while but life has a habit…
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The following is a post that I first published in 2013. I saw some Facebook post that were the reason I wrote this 4 years ago. Veterans Day is an official US holiday and is observed on November 11th. It is a day to honor those who have served in the…
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It was a month ago today that I received a phone call that no sibling wants to get. My brother had passed away and his son had to make that dreaded call. My brother was 3 years younger than I and the thought that he might pass away before me had never…
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Almost three weeks ago I attended my first WordCamp of 2018. WordCamp Lancaster was held on March third and it was a great experience.     I really can’t say enough about how well the WordCamp was organized and the great job the volunteers did. I had…
WordCamp Lancaster
WordCamp Lancaster
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So, it is almost mid January and I find myself getting my WordPress grove back. The WordCamp Circuit Last year I purposely did not attend my normal 6 or 7 WordCamps in the hope that I would be able to make the trip to WCUS. Alas, that trip did not…
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At the end of April 2017, I was ready to pull the trigger on migrating my work website to a new hosting company. Probably some background information before I get to the main part of the story. Since 2001, we had 2 of our personal servers located at a…
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Cool Beans One two Three Wapuu image from WC Kinchi
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