Category Archives: WordCamps

WordCamp Sevilla 2021 in-person! Last Tickets!

Only 2 days left for the first in-person WordCamp after pandemia! At WordPress Sevilla, we have put hands-on work to get back together and fill the space and distance that has left us this big parenthesis opened by the pandemic. …

Categories Events, News, WordCamps | No replies yet

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is coming on December 11-12. Get Your Free Ticket Now!

WFH (work from home) cannot stop us.Let’s WFH (WordPress from home). Tickets for the first-ever WordCamp Taiwan are now available! WordCamp Taiwan is a regional online WordCamp happening on December 11-12, 2021. By purchasing a ticket, you can attend the …

Categories Events, Online, WordCamps, Workshops | Tags , , , | No replies yet

Get your free ticket to WordCamp Finland Online!

WordCamp Finland 2020 is just right around the corner and speaker announcements have started to roll out! The online event with two session tracks takes place November 12 at 12-17 UTC+2. Our organizing team is super excited about the event …

Categories Speakers, WordCamp Tickets, WordCamps | Tags , | 1 reply

WordCamp Finland Online 2020 is coming!

We are pleased to announce that the WordCamp Finland Online will on November 12 2020, 12:00-17:00 Helsinki time (UTC+2). Check the time in your local timezone. We are looking for speakers to present their knowledge, skills, experiences, and stories with …

Categories Events, WordCamps | Tags | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Genève 2020 cancelled due to COVID-19

You are probably all well aware that the situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic is far from improving. The number of positive cases in Switzerland is rising again, and the measures imposed by the Swiss authorities – in particular social distancing …

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Athens 2020 is Cancelled

Dear friends all over the world, although Greece is one the safest destinations to visit we can not ignore the ongoing global spread of COVID-19. This fact has been the main reason which led our hard decision to cancel WordCamp …

Categories Cancellations, News | 1 reply

WordCamp Floripa 2020 adiado

⚠️ Atenção comunidade WordPress de Santa Catarina ⚠️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ O WordCamp Floripa 2020 será adiado até liberação da Prefeitura de Florianópolis para realizações de eventos. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Até lá, manteremos a venda de ingressos, recebimento das submissões de palestras e de …

Categories Cancellations, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Bucharest 2020: Cancelled

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to CANCEL WordCamp Bucharest 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns and current restrictions. We kept hoping that everything will come back to normal and we’ll be able to move the event …

Categories Cancellations, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post