Reviewing WordCamp Guidelines

Current WordCamp guidelines were published in April of 2011 and haven’t changed since. We’ve had nearly two years to observe what’s been working, what needs clarification, and what might need a tweak. A working group to review WordCamp guidelines was announced in December of 2012, and has drafted a survey for past WordCamp organizers to share their experiences with the guidelines.

The deadline for response to this survey is February 28, 2013. At the end of the data collection period, the working group will create a prioritized list of current guidelines that are pain points, identifying why they are pain points and for whom.

They’ll go on to compare each pain point to the reason behind the associated guideline, and analyze the most efficient way to ease the pain while still solving the issue the guideline was introduced to solve, for the community’s maximum benefit. After that, they’ll draft a plan for revised guidelines for review by team reps.

If you are a WordCamp organizer and have NOT received an invitation to take the Review Guidelines Survey, please comment on this post, and they’ll send you the link. All members of a WordCamp organizing team can take the survey, but the survey is restricted to past or present WordCamp organizers. It’s not required, but at the end of the survey, the group does ask for an email address so they can contact respondents directly with further questions.

Updates to this project will be posted at Making WordPress Events – if you’re involved in organizing any kind of WordPress event, I highly recommend following that blog.

7 Replies to Reviewing WordCamp Guidelines

  1. Bob Dunn says:

    Can you resend, I lost the email with the link before I was able to take the survey. Thanks!

  2. The 2011 guidelines were kind of harsh imho. I think there were several WordPress meetup groups that decided to just skip organizing a wordcamp to avoid the politics. I think its good getting feedback from the people that were willing to go the extra mile and deal with the new guidelines. It might be useful however to reach out to those that didn’t in order to keep growing into new areas. :)

  3. Doug says:

    I never received the survey. Re-send?

    (WordCamp Philly, btw.)

  4. jrfoell says:

    Not sure if I’m eligable, but I’m interested: [email protected]

  5. Anonymous User says:

    I haven’t received this! Can i get a link?

  6. David says:

    I don’t believe I’ve gotten a link to the survey and intend on going for a second year at organizing WordCamp Orlando.

  7. Hi Andrea, I helped creating this. Can I participate in the survey?