Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On


The bbPress Add On for Paid Memberships Pro adds a “Require Membership” meta box to the “Edit Forum” page, allowing you to easily toggle the membership level(s) that can access the forum.

Requires bbPress and Paid Memberships Pro installed and activated.


  • The "Require Membership" meta box for controlling forum access.

  • Settings -> Forums



  1. You must have Paid Memberships Pro and bbPress installed and activated on your site.

Download, Install and Activate!

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file to your computer.
  3. Upload the /pmpro-bbpress/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

How to Use

  1. After activation, navigate to the “Edit Forum” page for the forum you would like to restrict.
  2. Check the box for each level that can access this forum in the “Require Membership” meta box (below the Publish box in the right sidebar).
  3. Save your changes by clicking the “Update” button (or “Publish” if you are creating a new forum).
  4. Further settings can be found on the Settings -> Forums page of your admin dashboard.

Shortcode for Member’s Activity

The bbPress Add On includes one shortcode to display a member’s activity (topics or replies created).

Sample shortcode usage:
[bbp-user-activity activity_type=”topic” show_date=”true” title=”My Recent Topics”]

Shortcode attributes include:
* activity_type: Accepts ‘topic’ or ‘reply’. Default is ‘topic’
* bbp_user_id: Accepts any user ID. Omit this attribute to load the current user’s entries. Default is the current_user->ID.
* count: The number of entries to show. Default is ‘5’.
* show_date: Optionally show the entry date. Default is ‘false’.
* show_excerpt: Optionally show a 50-character excerpt of the entry. Default is ‘false’.
* title: An optional title for the shortcode output, wrapped in the h2 class=”widgettitle” format.


September 3, 2016
Activating the plugin brought my site down. It does not work. I hope a fix is developed soon. Not being able to use bbpress with pmpro is a problem.
September 3, 2016
Plugin fails to install (500 error). I emailed PMP about this, and was told I needed bbPress installed and activated to use this plugin. Yeah, I know - and I do, which is why I need this plugin. But sadly, that was all the support given. I now have to switch membership plugins, as I need bbPress protection. Considering all the issues reported with this add-on, it's disappointing to see they're not addressed and the main plugin still claims bbPress support.
September 3, 2016
After updating this plugin, it broke my site!! All pages show up blank white. I've recently moved my site from one webhost to the other. Not sure if that's what did it. All other plugins work fine. After the move I simply updated it and my site broke. I was updating this plugin from 1.2 to 1.3. *CAUTION!!* Update: I've also noticed that after deleting this plugin, my site runs MUCH FASTER. USE THIS PLUGIN WITH CAUTION!!!!!! : ( 🙁 :(:(:(
Read all 11 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.7.3 – 2021-08-13

  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue that was causing fatal errors when WP_Query didn’t contain posts when other plugins were setting the query. Fixes an issue for Formidable Pro/Registrations and improves compatibility with other plugins.

1.7.2 – 2021-08-09

  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where fatal errors were thrown in the admin when using some other plugins, e.g. WP Form or Formidable Pro. (Thanks, steve-page on GitHub)

1.7.1 – 2020-10-03

  • BUG FIX: Fixed fatal error that occurred if bbPress was not active.

1.7 – 2020-09-25

  • BUG FIX: Fixed a warning that post_type wasn’t set in some cases for the pre_get_posts.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Merged two functions that hooked in on ‘init’ to try and stabilize functionality.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added in a filter to bypass the “Filter searches and archives” settings for forums and topics from search and archive pages. Namely ‘pmprobb_filter_forum_queries’ and ‘pmprobb_filter_topic_queries’ (boolean values).
  • ENHANCEMENT: Escape and localized strings to allow for translations and additional locales.

1.6 – 2020-01-01

  • FEATURE: Actually changing user’s bbPress Roles when changing levels if you’ve set a specific role for their level.


  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where the pmprobb_auth_reply_view filter was nuking content filters applied to bbpress replies before it.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now only calling the pmpro_bbp_error_msg filter if we’re going to show the error.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added pmprobbp_check_forum_redirect_url filter to allow filtering of URL to which users without access are redirected.


  • BUG FIX: Fixed issues on edit membership level page when bbPress is not activated.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where non-members could access replies in member forums if linked to directly.


  • BUG: Fixed fatal error when bbPress was not activated.


  • ENHANCEMENT: When redirecting members away from protected forums, the referring page is now saved in $_SESSION[‘pmpro_bbp_redirected_from’].


  • FEATURE: Added new shortcode for member activity (topics or replies).


  • FEATURE: Added a membership level setting to set the background color of member topics and replies.
  • FEATURE: Added an option to the bbPress settings page to change the error message shown when non-members try to access a member forum.
  • FEATURE: Added an option to the bbPress settings page to add “member links” linking to forums a user has access to.
  • FEATURE: Added an option to the bbPress settings page to hide member forums from the forums list and search results.
  • FEATURE: Added an option to the bbPress settings page to hide forum roles in replies.
  • FEATURE: Added an option to the bbPress settings page to show membership level in replies.


  • Removed TGM and using different methods to make sure PMPro and bbPress are activated.
  • Changed forum check to use template_redirect instead of wp hook.


  • Updated TGM Plugin Activation class


  • Added the “pmpro_bbp_error_msg” filter so you can change the message shown when users try to access forums they don’t have access to.


  • Added bbp_is_single_topic() check to search filter to fix issues where main topic is hidden on single topic pages. (Thans, Spence)


  • Updates to name, description, tags. Added link to support and settings on plugins page.


  • Fixed fatal error that would come up if Paid Memberships Pro was not active. (Thanks, Karmyn Tyler Cobb)


  • BUG: Fixed bug in search filter that would hide member forums/topics from members when more than one level had access to a forum.


  • Moved filterqueries code into init function to avoid function not found error.


  • pmpro_search_filter now hides restricted forums and topics as well.


  • Fixed generation of URLs &noaccess=1. The old URLs could sometimes lead to 404 pages. (Thanks, bfintal on the forums.)


  • Initial release.