The Apache SIS™ library

Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications. SIS provides data structures for geographic features and associated metadata along with methods to manipulate those data structures. The library is an implementation of GeoAPI 3.0.1 interfaces and can be used for desktop or server applications.

The SIS metadata module forms the base of the library and enables the creation of metadata objects which comply with the model of OGC/ISO international standards. The SIS referencing module enable the construction of geodetic data structures for geospatial referencing such as axis, projection and coordinate reference system definitions, along with the associated operations which enable the transformation of coordinates between different systems of reference. The SIS storage modules provide a common approach to the reading and writing of metadata, features and coverages applicable to simple imagery as to many dimensional data structures. SIS provides processing functions such as multi-threaded rasters reprojection and isolines computation from raster data. The API and the data encodings follow international standards when available.

Some international standards and other features supported by Apache SIS are:

Using Apache SIS

The latest SIS release is 1.1, released October 2021, and can be downloaded as a zip files or as Maven dependencies. Apache SIS requires Java 17 or higher for building, but can be executed on Java 8 or higher. The EPSG geodetic dataset is optional for licensing reasons, but recommended. EPSG database installation is described in a separated page.

Apache SIS is a Java library for use by other applications. Leveraging the full SIS capabilities or getting the best performance require that users write their own applications on top of SIS. The developer guide, online Javadoc and recommended code patterns page provide instructions about developing with SIS. However a command-line tool is also provided for allowing users to experiment some SIS functionalities before writing code.