WordPress.com provides you with a great experience out-of-the-box, from superb SEO to social media sharing, custom web fonts, and so much more.

At WordPress.com, we also cover very advanced needs, such as connecting GitHub to sites on a Business or eCommerce plan. This allows you to automate deployment using GitHub Actions, which can become a huge productivity boost for developers. You’ll be happy to know that GitHub and WordPress.com work beautifully together.

Prerequisite: Start your WordPress.com site now

Tutorial Overview, GitHub Deployment Automation

This is a tutorial that explains how to achieve deep customization of your WordPress.com site using SFTP access, including how to deploy custom themes and plugins. Moreover, we’ll explain how you can automate the deployment of those changes by simply connecting your GitHub repository to WordPress.com. Whenever you push changes to a specific branch of your GitHub repository, those changes will automatically be deployed to your site at WordPress.com as well.

Create SFTP Credentials at WordPress.com

At WordPress.com, create SFTP Credentials for your site. SFTP access is available to administrators on the WordPress.com Business and eCommerce plans.

WordPress.com SFTP creds settings page

Log In Over SFTP, Manually Review Directory Structure

In the screenshot below, which was taken from Filezilla (a popular SFTP client), you can see the primary extensibility features in WordPress, i.e., themes and plugins. Themes are in /wp-content/themes; plugins are in /wp-content/plugins.

If you recreate this structure in a Git repository starting from the /wp-content directory, then whenever you push changes to the GitHub repository, they will be deployed automatically to your site at WordPress.com.

Some core directories and files have a question mark (?) icon next to them. This denotes they are part of your site’s core installation. We do not allow modifying core files as they are required for your site to function properly.

Filezilla SFTP client example screenshot

Create GitHub Repository

I’ve created an example GitHub repository named: wp-github-actions-test-site. Inside this repository, I’ve added a custom theme and a custom plugin that I’ll deploy automatically as part of this tutorial. I have already pushed these changes to the main branch of my example repository. Using my example (screenshot below), please create a GitHub repository for your site at WordPress.com.

Creating GitHub repo example screenshot

Create New Branch: wordpress.com

Create a new branch with the name wordpress.com, such that you have two branches: main and wordpress.com. Whenever you push changes to the wordpress.com branch, you want those changes to be deployed automatically to WordPress.com. You can create the new branch using GitHub’s interface, as seen below, or from the command line. The choice is yours.

GitHub repo branch structure example screenshot

Create GitHub Action

On the main branch, create a workflow by copying and pasting the code snippet (provided below). Please copy & paste the snippet with no modifications into .github/workflows/wordpress.com.yml

Note: It is easiest to use GitHub’s interface for this, as shown here.

Creating GitHub Action workflow example screenshot
GitHub Actions WordPress automation example workflow script screenshot

WordPress.com Workflow Code Snippet

Copy & paste into .github/workflows/wordpress.com.yml

name: Deploy to WordPress.com
    branches: [ wordpress.com ]
    name: FTP-Deploy-Action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@master
          fetch-depth: 2
      - name: FTP-Deploy-Action
        uses: Automattic/[email protected]
          ftp-server: sftp://sftp.wp.com/htdocs/
          ftp-username: ${{ secrets.FTP_USER }}
          ftp-password: ${{ secrets.FTP_PASSWORD }}
          known-hosts: "\
            sftp.wp.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB\

Create GitHub Secrets

The workflow code snippet references two secrets:

- ${{ secrets.FTP_USER }}
- ${{ secrets.FTP_PASSWORD }}

Create these two secrets in your GitHub repository using the SFTP credentials that you obtained at WordPress.com in an earlier part of this tutorial. Please define both the FTP_USER and FTP_PASSWORD secrets.

GitHub Actions workflow secret example screenshot
GitHub Actions secrets settings in workflow

Push Changes, Test Deployment Automation

Now that you have everything configured properly, update your local copy of the GitHub repository using Git from the command line. Start by fetching all updates, then pull changes into the main branch, merge them into the wordpress.com branch, and finally push those changes to the wordpress.com branch. In doing so, you will test the GitHub Action workflow to make sure things are working properly.

$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout main && git pull
$ git checkout wordpress.com && git merge main
$ git push --set-upstream origin wordpress.com

At this point, you can visit the Actions tab at GitHub to review and observe status. Since you pushed to the wordpress.com branch, the workflow you created should already be running. When it’s finished, the status icon will turn green with a checkmark indicating your changes were deployed successfully to WordPress.com.

GitHub Actions workflow ran success screen within repository

In this case, the workflow is deploying your last change, which was to “Create the wordpress.com.yml” file itself — from a previous step in this tutorial.

In the future, when you merge and then push any changes, such as theme or plugin updates, from the main branch into the wordpress.com branch, they’ll be deployed to WordPress.com automatically. Yay! 🎉

Business and eCommerce Plans at WordPress.com

At WordPress.com, you’ll be well-equipped without installing custom themes or plugins. However, if you want to take your site to the next level, both our Business and eCommerce plans support several additional features. These plans include increased storage, custom themes, custom plugins, and SFTP access, making the GitHub integration described in this tutorial possible.

Start your WordPress.com site now