
Hybrid Cloud Security

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Borderless security engineered for your hybrid cloud environment

Cloud Security as Elegant as It Is Essential

Cloud security and data privacy are at the core of everything we do

At Kaspersky Lab, our philosophy is based on a simple yet important concept. We believe that cybersecurity is there to maintain business sustainability, protecting corporate evolution and digital transformation. Security must partner with infrastructure, rather than building barriers. We apply this philosophy to everything we engineer.

Our Hybrid Cloud Security solution provides outstanding multi-layered protection to multi-cloud environments. Wherever you process and store critical business data - in a private or public cloud, or both - we deliver a perfectly balanced combination of agile, continuous security and superior efficiency, protecting your data against the most advanced current and future threats without compromising on systems performance.

Private Cloud

Proven security for virtual and physical servers, VDI deployments, storage systems and even data channels in your private cloud.

Public Cloud

Advanced protection for workloads in public clouds, including Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure Infrastructures.

Managed Hosting

Full protection for all your workloads, whether running on IaaS or on in-house infrastructures.

Unified Orchestration

Borderless manageability, flexibility and visibility via an enterprise-level orchestration console.

Suitable For

This solution is particularly well suited to addressing the security requirements, concerns and constraints of these enterprise sectors.

Case Studies

Learn how enterprises accelerate security and visibility across their hybrid clouds with Kaspersky Lab

Trusted by Businesses You Know

Worldwide famous enterprises have already extended superior cybersecurity capabilities from their private into their public clouds, with help from Kaspersky Lab.

The Use

  • For Elastic and Secure Cloud Environments

    Hybrid environments are highly dynamic - your security must rapidly adapt to your changing operational landscape as it evolves and scales.

    • Accelerate visibility across cloud environments for superior edge-to-edge protection.
    • Detect and respond to advanced cyberthreats by harnessing the combined power of people and machines.
    • Secure any cloud workload, system, network, or data with multiple controls
  • One Product, Any Cloud

    A solution engineered to deliver next generation  cybersecurity for enterprise-grade hybrid cloud environments.

    • Proven security for physical and virtual servers, VDI, storage, and even data channels in your private cloud.
    • Advanced security controls for workloads in public clouds, including AWS and Azure.
    • Meets ongoing enterprise Service Level Objectives (SLOs) by minimizing cyber-risk.
  • A Seamless Security Experience

    The transparency and cross-integration of your IT and Security dictates your security status against known, unknown and emerging threats.

    • Integration between core technologies of your cloud and its security layer via native API
    • Automated security provisioning, for secure and uncompromised  cloud migration
    • A seamless enterprise-level security orchestration experience for any cloud

Premium Support

Professional help is available whenever you need it. Operating in more than 200 countries, from 34 offices worldwide, we have you covered 24/7/365. Take advantage of our Premium support packages, or call on our Professional Services to ensure that you derive maximum benefit from your Kaspersky lab security installation.

White Papers

Learn more, with thought leadership from our globally recognized cybersecurity experts

The Risk

Cyber-attacks targeting your hybrid cloud may seriously impact business operations and lead to data and even reputational losses. In a constantly evolving threat landscape, your public cloud environment requires security capabilities as efficient as does your private cloud. Fail in this, and your organization’s most valuable assets - its data and people - become highly vulnerable.

  • <p>Growing Infrastructure complexity can mean decreased transparency.</p>

    Growing Infrastructure complexity can mean decreased transparency.

  • <p>True reliable security comes only through multi-layered integration</p>

    True reliable security comes only through multi-layered integration

  • <p>Traditional heavyweight security eats into precious systems resources</p>

    Traditional heavyweight security eats into precious systems resources

  • <p>Disparate controls and tools present administrative challenges</p>

    Disparate controls and tools present administrative challenges

  • <p>Inefficiently designed security leads to inefficient systems processes</p>

    Inefficiently designed security leads to inefficient systems processes

  • <p>Malware and ransomware both attack virtual as well as physical endpoints</p>

    Malware and ransomware both attack virtual as well as physical endpoints

  • <p>Poor cybersecurity leads to non-compliances</p>

    Poor cybersecurity leads to non-compliances

  • <p>Reactive protection is no substitute for proactive, adaptive security</p>

    Reactive protection is no substitute for proactive, adaptive security


Together with our technology alliances, we make hybrid clouds more secure so your corporate digital transformation remains unstoppable.

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