• I’m trying to create a product templates in Woocommerce for around 170 products and I’m wondering if I am missing something simply with variations.

    I have two attributes:
    A bookplate with multiple font samples is one and quantity amounts of the bookplates as the other. (example a package of 100, 200 etc)

    There are at least 15 variations of the bookplate. (A different font on each that I want to display if picked)
    There are roughly 10-15 quantity amounts, each requiring a different weight added for shipping and price.

    Once the template is created the client will still have to add an image to each font attribute in the drop-down of the product page and create a variable to match with the quantity amount. So in the end, each product will have roughly 150 to 200 variations to create.

    Multiply that by 170 products and the amount of time to do that seems crazy.

    Am I missing an easier way to create these variables so so much work doesn’t have to be done?

    I looked at using add-ons for the quantities but that doesn’t allow to add weights for shipping.

    Does anyone have an idea at how to make this easier.

    Thanks for any tips

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  • Hi Bryan,
    Have you looked at using a Product Add-on https://woocommerce.com/products/product-add-ons/ plus a table rate shipping plugin to determine the cost based on price?
    With the product add-on you select which categories to load this in. Going forward with making updates I think using variables will be very time consuming.
    There is also an alternative to use some ‘bulk edit’ plugin.
    Another option would be to create a spread sheet and upload this as an CSV or XML file to create your products. WP all Import works very well with uploading variable products with custom fields.
    I hope I managed to understand your issue and these three options will give you some more ideas – good luck!

    Thread Starter Bryan Cady


    Thanks for the ideas. I will look into them.

    Have a great weekend!!!


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