People come to Twitter to discover #WhatsHappening.

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People come to Twitter to discover #WhatsHappening.

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    Our audience is influential, plugged-in and in a discovery mindset.

    Our audience is influential, plugged-in and in a discovery mindset.


    Twitter is the #1 platform for discovery1


    People spend 26% more time viewing ads on Twitter than on other leading platforms2


    53% of people on Twitter are more likely to be the first to buy new products3


    Opportunity to connect 

    #Holiday is happening

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    Moments for your brand to connect with on Twitter










    Opportunity to connect

    #Holiday is happening

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      1 Source: Twitter internal data
      2 Source: Kantar, “News Discovery & Influence on Twitter”, Global, 2017
      3 Source: OMG + Twitter, Receptivity with Neuro-Insight, October 2018; US, BR, JP