WordAds vs. AdWords: Which Is Right for Your Website? [Infographic]

Many people are familiar with the online advertising platform Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords), but if you host your website through WordPress.com, you may want to consider placing ads on your site using WordAds.

WordAds is the leading advertising optimization platform for WordPress sites, and it can help you increase your site revenue and earn passive income. The following infographic explains how WordAds works.

What is WordAds, and how does it work?

How do ad networks work?

Advertising networks such as WordAds serve as a middleman between publishers and advertisers, matching appropriate online ads to available advertising space on websites and blogs.

Advertisers are able to expand the reach of their ads and save time when they use ad networks. For you as a site owner, it’s an opportunity to earn extra money by selling ad space on your website. Compensation is typically tied to the performance of the ad — including how many people see or click it — so this can be an effortless way to earn passive income if your site gets a decent amount of traffic.

AdWords vs. WordAds: Which is right for your website?

If you’re deciding between Google Ads and WordAds for your WordPress.com website, there are a few things you’ll want to consider.

Google Ads and AdSense

While there are many ad networks available today, one of the most well-known ones is AdWords, which was rebranded as Google Ads in 2018. This platform is for advertisers, and the corresponding platform for publishers is called AdSense.

AdSense attracts website owners for a number of reasons, including its popularity among millions of advertisers and the control it gives you over the design and placement of advertisements on your site. However, the downside is that it requires a bit of technical know-how to implement. In addition, you’re only paid when your site visitors actually click on ads.


Alternatively, WordAds is a platform specially designed for WordPress.com users that can be activated with Premium, Business, or eCommerce plans. WordAds’ network includes more than 50 internet advertisers that bid on ad spots, including AdSense, and there’s no coding required to integrate the platform with your website.

While you don’t get quite as much control over the ads’ placement on your website, one major benefit of WordAds is that it generally pays per impression, not per click. Plus, your WordAds earnings are automatically deposited into your PayPal account each month, as long as you earn more than $100.

Put You Traffic to Work for You

Ad networks are an easy, hands-off way to further monetize your website. If you host your site through WordPress.com, you may want to consider using WordAds to earn passive income and boost your bottom line.

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Camryn Rabideau

Camryn Rabideau is freelance writer specializing in digital lifestyle content, ranging from pop culture to smart home technology. Camryn has contributed to popular media sites such as InStyle, Taste of Home, Martha Stewart, Food52, USA Today, The Spruce and more.

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