Do You Need Your Resume on Your Website?

Running a freelance business or attempting to make your next career move is no easy task, so give yourself any help you can. Adding your resume to your website is a great way to stand out among your competitors, and with, it’s an easy thing to do.

Why put your resume on your website?

Your resume is likely the first thing that people look at when they’re evaluating you for any type of job. Therefore, it’s best to make it easily accessible to your next dream client or future employer.

Also, potential customers and employers are going to Google you. Instead of just having them come across random Instagram pics and Facebook updates, you can use your resume and build a website to influence their perception of you. Having a well-put-together resume on your site immediately shows them that you have a high level of professionalism.

How should you incorporate your resume into your website?

There’s no one-size-fits-all for resumes or websites, but there are some best practices you can follow. Here are a few tips for how to set up your resume on your website.

1. Placement

If you have a website theme that you’re happy with and simply want to incorporate your resume into it, then you’ll want to place the resume in a user-friendly and easily accessible area such as a top page in your navigation menu. Potential clients and employers don’t have time to browse around your website trying to find out if you’re a good fit for them, so your resume needs to be in a logical place that readers will be sure to come across when they’re on your homepage.

2. Style and personalization

The great thing about having your resume on is that you can customize it to align with the style of your personal brand and business, and it doesn’t have to mimic those hard-copy PDF versions. makes it super-simple to add images to any post or page, to include examples of work you’ve done and testimonials, and to write blog posts that highlight your career experiences.

3. Themes and plugins

If you’re looking for the perfect template for your resume, both the Connect theme and the Profile theme include resume templates, and both themes are free with the Business and Premium plans. There are also plugins available like the Resume Builder that can help you organize all the standard employment and contact information that clients and potential employers will want to see. These themes, templates, and plugins look professional, are quick to set up, and make it easy to create a traditional-style resume in an easy-to-read format.

No matter what style, theme, or plugin you choose, you’ll want to make sure to include your experience and accomplishments so clients and employers know what you’d be able to do for them. You’ll also want to have an “about me” section where you put a description of yourself. Always be sure to include your contact information in a highly visible area so that people don’t have to try to figure out how to get in touch with you.

It’s essential to have your resume easily accessible on your website as part of your online presence, and it doesn’t have to be fancy. The important thing is for it to look professional and give the reader an instantly good impression of you and your work. Adding your resume to your website is an easy way to show potential employers and clients just how employable you are.

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