About data provision

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is designed for administration of security applications that have been connected to the software solution, in accordance with the list of supported applications and in the framework of the functionality described in Help.

To use Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, you must create an account on the website of the Right Owner (Kaspersky) at cloud.kaspersky.com and connect the security software installed on the devices owned by your users. By using the software solution, you agree that said software solution may receive data from devices that have security applications installed. The software solution also may store, process, and display information that is intended for ensuring the software solution's functionality.

By creating an account and connecting administered security software to the software solution, you confirm that you are the sole owner of any data you provide or that you are entitled to provide any data.

  1. For the purpose of device identification and management, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud may receive, store, and process the following types of data:
    1. For iOS devices—Data transmitted by means of Apple iOS MDM:
      • Technical parameters of the device and its components required for its identification: Device name, model, device operating system, operating system build number, device model number, IMEI, UDID, MEID, serial number, memory size, modem firmware version, Bluetooth MAC address, Wi-Fi MAC address, and SIM card details (ICCID that is part of the SIM card ID).
      • Details of the mobile network used by the device: Mobile network type, name of the currently used mobile network, name of the home mobile network, version of the operator settings, operation status of voice roaming and data roaming, country code of the home network, code of the country in which the device is currently located, code of the currently used network, and encryption level.
      • Device security settings: Presence of a password and configuration compliance with the parameters, list of configuration profiles, and list of profiles used for installation of third-party applications.
      • Date of the latest synchronization with the workspace and device management status.
    2. Data for devices running Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android:
      • Technical parameters of the device and its components required for its identification: Device name, model, device operating system, IMEI, and phone number.
      • Other technical parameters of the device and its components, such as device management status, SMS support, SMS sending permission, GCM support, support of user commands, operating system folder, and device name (if any).
      • Information about the Kaspersky application installed on the device:
        • Application name and version
        • Application installation date
        • Current status
        • Date and time of last update
        • List of installed updates
        • Date and time of database release
        • Number of records in the database
        • Tags and comments added by the administrator (if applicable)
        • Backup copies of encryption keys for the app container feature
        • One-time passwords for unlocking a device (if applicable)
        • Information about application settings
      • Information about device activity: Location of the device (the result of the Locate command), time of the last synchronization, time of the last workspace connection, and synchronization support details.
      • Events related to tasks of application components, changes in the operation status of the application or device, and modification of the application settings on the device.
    3. Data for devices running Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows:
      • Technical parameters of the device and its components required for its identification: Device name and description, domain, Windows device name, domain name and IP address, operating system, manufacturer, operating system folder, information about whether the device is a virtual machine, and hypervisor type (if applicable).
      • Other technical parameters of the device and its components: Windows Update Agent status and the operating system bit rate.
      • Information about device activity: Date and time of the last update and last visible time, Waiting for Reboot status, time the device was turned on, and Computer Visible on the Network tag.
      • Settings of the Kaspersky application installed on the device:
        • Application status
        • Information about whether or not there is a constant connection with the workspace
        • Real-time protection status
        • Date and time of the last scan of the device
        • Number of malicious objects found
        • Number of objects that cannot be disinfected
        • Tasks for managed applications
        • Availability and operating status of software components
        • The version of the anti-virus databases
        • Information about the settings of the Kaspersky application
      • Details of the accounts of device users and their sessions.
      • Events related to changes in the status of the managed application component on the device, and related to the performance of application component tasks.
    4. Data for devices running Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac:
      • Technical parameters of the device and its components required for its identification: Device name and description, domain name and IP address, operating system, and operating system developer.
      • Information about device activity: Date and time of the last update and last visible time, Waiting for Reboot status, time the device was turned on, and Computer Visible on the Network tag.
      • Settings of the Kaspersky application installed on the device:
        • Status and version of the application
        • Information about whether or not there is a constant connection with the workspace
        • Real-time protection status
        • Date and time of the last scan of the device
        • Number of malicious objects found
        • Number of incurable objects
        • Tasks for managed applications
        • Availability and operating status of software components
        • The version of the anti-virus databases
        • Information about the settings of the Kaspersky application
      • Events related to changes in the status of the managed application component on the device, and related to the performance of application component tasks.
    5. Details of the device owner: User alias in the workspace, email address, and list of self-signed certificates for identification of devices belonging to that owner. All of the above-listed data are stored in the infrastructure of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Kaspersky specialists regularly create backup copies of this data.

    All received data are used by the workspace administrator. Kaspersky Technical Support specialists may also use the above-listed data when the workspace administrator contacts Technical Support.

  2. For the purpose of improving the software solution, the following data may be used:
    • Data about a workspace: Workspace ID, creation date, country, state (only for the United States or Canada); number of devices in the company that was specified during registration; identifier and region of Virtual Administration Server
    • Number of devices with the security software installed that are connected to the workspace, distribution of the connected devices by type
    • Number of users in the workspace, number of user groups in the workspace, number of users with administrator rights
    • Date of the last authentication of the administrator in the workspace
    • Information about the utilized license: License type (commercial, subscription, trial), license restriction on the number of devices, number of connected devices, expiration date of the previously used license, date of the license term start, order number for the license in the order management system; name of the partner company that sold the license; software to which the license applies
    • Names and versions of security applications connected to the workspace
    • Whether an administrator signed in to the workspace but did not perform any management or configuration actions during the connection session
  3. For the purpose of monitoring adherence by license limit, the following data may be used:
    • Data about a workspace: Workspace ID and name of the company that uses the workspace
    • Information about the utilized license: Number of desktops, laptops, and file servers; and number of Android and iOS mobile devices that are connected to the workspace

    This data is transferred to the Kaspersky Partner Portal located at https://partners.kaspersky.com/. This data is accessible only to the partner company from which you purchased a license and that ordered the license from Kaspersky through the Partner Portal.

Data and backup copies are removed from the software solution infrastructure based on the following rules:

  1. If the software solution has been used under a trial license, the workspace data is automatically deleted one month after the trial license expires.
  2. If the software solution has been used under a commercial license or a subscription, the workspace data is automatically deleted three months after the license or subscription expires.
  3. Backup copies of data are stored no longer than three months after they are created.
  4. Kaspersky can delete workspace data following a request from a company. In this case, data is deleted following a request sent to Kaspersky Technical Support. All information in backup copies is automatically deleted when those backup copies are deleted.
  5. The user can manually delete the associated account with all its related information on Kaspersky Business Hub, or by using the My Kaspersky service.

Kaspersky processes data in accordance with Kaspersky Products and Services Privacy Policy and Kaspersky Privacy Policy for Websites.

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