Clean Cargo

  • Yang Ming joined Clean Cargo in July, 2006 and calculate the emission of CO2, NOx, SOx of fleet by Clean Cargo Methodology. Since 2017 the emission report has been verified by a third-party. The certification is shown below :

    Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. has always been ahead of times in addressing international environmental issues, such as environmental protection and provision of safety and happiness. Yang Ming proactively planed building echo-friendly fleet a decade ago and participant in multiple international environmental program. The average CO2 emission per TEU kilometer by Yang Ming fleet a day has reduced as much as 56.91% when compared to the reference year of 2008 from 99.38g/teu-km to 42.86 g/teu-km to and has achieved in advance IMO’s 2030 goal of 40% carbon reduction.

    For more information about our GHG emission, please refer to our Corporate Social Responsibility Report . Please kindly visit Clean Cargo for more details.