Organization & Top Management


Chairman Cheng-Mount Cheng M.A., Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison Deputy Minister of National
Development Council
President Patrick S.C. Tu M.S., Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University Managing Director of Yang Ming Line (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Chief Information Officer
& Executive V. P.
Steven D.S. Tsao Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Tamsui Oxford College Senior V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Taiwan Operations Officer & Executive V. P. Silas S. F. Hsu M.B.A., Management Science Graduate Institute, National Chiao Tung University Managing Director of Yang Ming Shipping Europe Gmbh
Chief Auditor & Executive V. P. Sherry L.C. Wang M.B.A., Business Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Director-General of Financial Examination Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission
Chief Strategy Officer
& Senior V. P.
James J.S. Jeng M.S., Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Marine Technology
Officer & Senior V. P.
Jackie Y. S. Ho M.S., Department of Marine Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Logistics Officer
& Senior V. P.
David K.L. Huang B.S., Department of Marine Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Commercial Officer
& Senior V. P.
Frank C.F. Chang B.A., Department of Shipping & Transportation Management, National Taiwan Ocean University V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Administrative Officer
& Senior V. P.
Alice H.C. Ho M.A., Graduate Institute of America Studies, Tamkang University V. P. of Yang Ming
Chief Financial Officer
& Senior V. P.
Peter Y.W. Su M.A., Graduate Institute of Finance, National Taiwan University V. P. of Yang Ming