


RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

Free Software Events

IRPF-Livre 2011: Death and Taxes

FSFLA's petition for Canaima GNU/Linux to be Free

Linux-2.6.36-libre: turning Linux's Free Bait into Free Software

IRPF-Livre 2010: Free as Always, Sooner than Ever

Take your freedom back, with Linux-2.6.33-libre

I keep local copies of development histories of projects I'm interested in. I'd keep local copies of the bug databases too if they were made conveniently available, even more so if that got done automatically and effortlessly, as in e.g. git-ssb. now, if a project locks its data behind github (or gitlab, for that matter) javascrippling firewalls, that makes it harder, not easier, to get to the data: then it's *permanently* inaccessible, not just because of a temporary mishap
twister, ssb, gnunet, ipfs, tor and similar distributed infrastructure never go down, even if individual participant sites do. your data is never locked up, inaccessible from you. that's truly superior to what you've bought yourself into, and only a massive amount of propaganda can possibly convince people that this is better than the available alternative

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 09:19

back in my people, we assumed people were innocent of illegal activities. I like to behave that way. if someone wishes to rip a dvd and asks about it, I assume they're entitled to do the ripping, and name a tool that has perfectly legal uses. heck, I don't even know what jurisdiction the other person is in, and what perfectly reasonable rights are protected in them.
besides, there's

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 08:54

ugh. sorry.
the brazilian post is undergoing the usual process of destruction/devaluation that immediately precedes privatization. "see how it sucks? it has to be moved to greedy corporate hands so they can complete faster the destruction we've started" :-(

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 08:46

context of the conversation seems to have got lost, but anyway, in true democracies (yet to be seen in the wild, I gather) governments represent the citizens, while for-profit corporations represent the capital invested in them

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 08:41

I'm pretty sure that, if you wish information to be widely available at the time you need, the right way to go about it is not to lock it up in a corporate for-profit silo over which you have no control nor rights whatsoever. community distributed publishing platforms would make for far better long-term availability. now, once you've painted yourself into a corner, you might get a feeling that there's no reasonable direction to walk out of it, but that's not because choices have disappeared, it's just because you've deprived yourself of them. doing more of it won't get you your freedom back

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 08:36

is france preparing to privatize la poste?

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 05:55

if all you do is read occasional bug reports there, yeah, no significant loss of freedom. but surrendering control over one's project's bug database to a third party, that's quite something else... downtime can hit everyone, but there's downtime you can do something to fix so as to get back in action, and downtime you can't do anything about but cry

@[email protected] 2021-12-12 05:52

Thank you, Linus!
Alexandre Oliva 2021-08-25

Alexandre Oliva 2021-08-23

Architecting Software for Freedom in Networked Services
Alexandre Oliva 2021-08-22

fraude eleitoral
Alexandre Oliva 2021-07-14

A Conversation with Richard Stallman
Alexandre Oliva 2021-05-30

Uma Conversa com Richard Stallman
Alexandre Oliva 2021-05-30

Against Software Tyranny
Alexandre Oliva 2021-04-26

pursuing justice and freedom
Alexandre Oliva 2021-03-28

The WWWorst App Store
Alexandre Oliva 2021-03-18

The WWWorst App Store
Alexandre Oliva 2021-03-18

cruel system
Alexandre Oliva 2021-03-17