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Saskatoon-10 °CScattered clouds.Fri 11:23:59am
New York8 °COvercast.Fri 12:23:59pm
London6 °CPassing clouds.Fri 5:23:59pm
Tokyo6 °CQuite cool.Sat 2:23:59am

Local Time and Weather Around the World

AccraFri 5:23 pmPassing clouds. Warm.30 °CEdmontonFri 10:23 amCold.-5 °CNassauFri 12:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.27 °C
Adelaide *Sat 3:53 amPassing clouds. Cool.14 °CFrankfurtFri 6:23 pmLight rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °CNew DelhiFri 10:53 pmFog. Cool.14 °C
AlgiersFri 6:23 pmOvercast. Mild.18 °CGuatemala CityFri 11:23 amSunny. Mild.22 °CNew OrleansFri 11:23 amScattered clouds. Warm.26 °C
AlmatyFri 11:23 pmIce fog. Cold.-6 °CHalifaxFri 1:23 pmPartly sunny. Cold.-7 °CNew YorkFri 12:23 pmOvercast. Cool.8 °C
AmmanFri 7:23 pmClear. Refreshingly cool.15 °CHanoiSat 12:23 amClear. Mild.21 °COsloFri 6:23 pmLight freezing rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.-2 °C
AmsterdamFri 6:23 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.4 °CHarareFri 7:23 pmPassing clouds. Pleasantly warm.29 °COttawaFri 12:23 pmMostly cloudy. Cold.-6 °C
AnadyrSat 5:23 amSnow flurries. Overcast. Extremely cold.-27 °CHavanaFri 12:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.27 °CParisFri 6:23 pmPartly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °C
AnchorageFri 8:23 amMostly cloudy. Cold.-5 °CHelsinkiFri 7:23 pmLow clouds. Chilly.-2 °CPerthSat 1:23 amPassing clouds. Mild.19 °C
AnkaraFri 8:23 pmClear. Quite cool.6 °CHong KongSat 1:23 amPassing clouds. Mild.21 °CPhiladelphiaFri 12:23 pmOvercast. Cool.8 °C
AntananarivoFri 8:23 pmPassing clouds. Mild.22 °CHonoluluFri 7:23 amPartly cloudy. Mild.24 °CPhoenixFri 10:23 amPassing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Asuncion *Fri 2:23 pmPassing clouds. Extremely hot.37 °CHoustonFri 11:23 amPartly sunny. Warm.27 °CPragueFri 6:23 pmFog. Chilly.-2 °C
AthensFri 7:23 pmRefreshingly cool.15 °CIndianapolisFri 12:23 pmFog. Cool.11 °CReykjavikFri 5:23 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.-3 °C
AtlantaFri 12:23 pmLow clouds. Cool.10 °CIslamabadFri 10:23 pmClear. Mild.18 °CRio de JaneiroFri 2:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.25 °C
Auckland *Sat 6:23 amMild.18 °CIstanbulFri 8:23 pmSprinkles. Passing clouds. Cool.15 °CRiyadhFri 8:23 pmClear. Mild.17 °C
BaghdadFri 8:23 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CJakartaSat 12:23 amLight rain. Overcast. Warm.28 °CRomeFri 6:23 pmRain. Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BangkokSat 12:23 amClear. Warm.26 °CJerusalemFri 7:23 pmClear. Mild.17 °CSalt Lake CityFri 10:23 amBroken clouds. Chilly.-4 °C
BarcelonaFri 6:23 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CJohannesburgFri 7:23 pmOvercast. Warm.26 °CSan FranciscoFri 9:23 amPassing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BeijingSat 1:23 amClear. Chilly.-1 °CKarachiFri 10:23 pmClear. Mild.18 °CSan JuanFri 1:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
BeirutFri 7:23 pmClear. Mild.18 °CKathmanduFri 11:08 pmPassing clouds. Cool.10 °CSan SalvadorFri 11:23 amSunny. Mild.24 °C
BelgradeFri 6:23 pmFog. Chilly.4 °CKingstonFri 12:23 pmHaze. Warm.29 °CSantiago *Fri 2:23 pmPassing clouds. Mild.21 °C
BengaluruFri 10:53 pmPassing clouds. Mild.22 °CKinshasaFri 6:23 pmThunderstorms. Passing clouds. Warm.31 °CSanto DomingoFri 1:23 pmScattered clouds. Mild.24 °C
BerlinFri 6:23 pmIce fog. Chilly.0 °CKolkataFri 10:53 pmPassing clouds. Mild.21 °CSão PauloFri 2:23 pmSunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
BogotaFri 12:23 pmPartly sunny. Mild.20 °CKuala LumpurSat 1:23 amPassing clouds. Warm.25 °CSeattleFri 9:23 amMostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
BostonFri 12:23 pmMostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CKuwait CityFri 8:23 pmClear. Mild.20 °CSeoulSat 2:23 amChilly.2 °C
BrasiliaFri 2:23 pmPartly sunny. Warm.27 °CKyivFri 7:23 pmMostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CShanghaiSat 1:23 amFog. Cool.9 °C
BrisbaneSat 3:23 amClear. Mild.18 °CLa PazFri 1:23 pmPartly sunny. Cool.8 °CSingaporeSat 1:23 amPassing clouds. Warm.26 °C
BrusselsFri 6:23 pmLight rain. Partly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CLagosFri 6:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.31 °CSofiaFri 7:23 pmOvercast. Quite cool.5 °C
BucharestFri 7:23 pmLight rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °CLahoreFri 10:23 pmClear. Refreshingly cool.14 °CSt. John'sFri 1:53 pmPartly sunny. Cold.-4 °C
BudapestFri 6:23 pmOvercast. Chilly.1 °CLas VegasFri 9:23 amPassing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CStockholmFri 6:23 pmLow clouds. Chilly.2 °C
Buenos AiresFri 2:23 pmPassing clouds. Mild.22 °CLimaFri 12:23 pmOvercast. Mild.20 °CSuvaSat 5:23 amSprinkles. Overcast. Mild.25 °C
CairoFri 7:23 pmClear. Mild.21 °CLisbonFri 5:23 pmPartly sunny. Cool.15 °CSydney *Sat 4:23 amPassing clouds. Cool.16 °C
CalgaryFri 10:23 amPassing clouds. Cold.-6 °CLondonFri 5:23 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CTaipeiSat 1:23 amLight rain. Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °C
Canberra *Sat 4:23 amMostly cloudy. Cool.11 °CLos AngelesFri 9:23 amSunny. Cool.11 °CTallinnFri 7:23 pmLight freezing rain. Low clouds. Cold.-4 °C
Cape TownFri 7:23 pmPassing clouds. Mild.20 °CMadridFri 6:23 pmPassing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °CTashkentFri 10:23 pmFog. Chilly.4 °C
CaracasFri 1:23 pmPassing clouds. Warm.30 °CManaguaFri 11:23 amPartly sunny. Warm.28 °CTegucigalpaFri 11:23 amPartly sunny. Mild.21 °C
Casablanca *Fri 6:23 pmOvercast. Mild.17 °CManilaSat 1:23 amHaze. Mild.24 °CTehranFri 8:53 pmClear. Cool.10 °C
ChicagoFri 11:23 amPassing clouds. Cool.8 °CMelbourne *Sat 4:23 amPassing clouds. Cool.13 °CTokyoSat 2:23 amQuite cool.6 °C
CopenhagenFri 6:23 pmLight snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °CMexico CityFri 11:23 amSunny. Mild.18 °CTorontoFri 12:23 pmOvercast. Chilly.3 °C
DallasFri 11:23 amCloudy. Mild.23 °CMiamiFri 12:23 pmScattered clouds. Warm.27 °CVancouverFri 9:23 amLow clouds. Chilly.2 °C
Dar es SalaamFri 8:23 pmPassing clouds. Warm.28 °CMinneapolisFri 11:23 amOvercast. Chilly.-3 °CViennaFri 6:23 pmPartly cloudy. Chilly.-1 °C
DarwinSat 2:53 amPassing clouds. Warm.25 °CMinskFri 8:23 pmFog. Chilly.2 °CWarsawFri 6:23 pmPassing clouds. Chilly.1 °C
DenverFri 10:23 amLight snow. Ice fog. Chilly.-2 °CMontevideoFri 2:23 pmOvercast. Mild.23 °CWashington DCFri 12:23 pmPartly sunny. Cool.8 °C
DetroitFri 12:23 pmSunny. Cool.10 °CMontréalFri 12:23 pmLight snow. Overcast. Cold.-7 °CWinnipegFri 11:23 amCold.-7 °C
DohaFri 8:23 pmClear. Mild.23 °CMoscowFri 8:23 pmClear. Frigid.-14 °CYangonFri 11:53 pmPassing clouds. Mild.24 °C
DubaiFri 9:23 pmPassing clouds. Warm.25 °CMumbaiFri 10:53 pmScattered clouds. Warm.29 °CZagrebFri 6:23 pmOvercast. Chilly.2 °C
DublinFri 5:23 pmPassing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CNairobiFri 8:23 pmPassing clouds. Mild.21 °CZürichFri 6:23 pmChilly.2 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (8 places).

Fri = Friday, December 10, 2021 (116 places).
Sat = Saturday, December 11, 2021 (22 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Friday, December 10, 2021 at 17:23:59

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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