Fernandina volcano (Galápagos Islands): significant ground deformation and possible activity, first since Jan 2020

Sun, 14 Nov 2021, 06:01
06:01 AM | BY: MARTIN
Ground deformation data during Feb 20-Oct 21, yellow-to-red color indicates inflation in the NE area while blue color shows deflation in the W-SW slopes (image: IGEPN)
Ground deformation data during Feb 20-Oct 21, yellow-to-red color indicates inflation in the NE area while blue color shows deflation in the W-SW slopes (image: IGEPN)
During the period between Feb 2020 and October 2021, the local volcano observatory Instituto Geofísico recorded a significant ground deformation within the volcano's caldera.
InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) measurements in a collaboration with Sentinel-1 satellite images from European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed that the ground has been uplifted by approx. 400 mm/year beneath the NE flank of the volcano (attached image).
A negative deformation (so-called deflation) has been detected beneath W-SW slope of the edifice in the range of 100 mm-400 mm/year (attached image). No thermal anomalies, nor gas and ash emissions have been detected.
This is likely reflecting continued magma intrusion and migration under the surface, supported also by continued deformation of the surface, another tell-tale sign of an impending eruption. Based on deformation data, it is suggested that magma may be accumulated at 2 km shallow level or at deep magma reservoir located 4.5 km under the surface.
The last eruption at the volcano occurred in January 2020 dominated mainly by lava flows erupted from the eastern fissure vent.
Source: Instituto Geofísico volcano activity update 13 November 2021

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