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Sunday, Oct 28, 2012: Most Europeans turn clocks back as DST ends

Clocks go back 1 hour when Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends in the majority of European cities Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 1am (01:00) UTC. US & Canada turn their clocks back Sunday, Nov 4, 2012.

Illustration image

Houses of the Parliament, London, UK: Many European cities end DST on October 28, 2012

©iStockphoto.com/Rich Seymour

DST clock changes worldwide - second half of 2012

DST in Europe starts again Sun March 31, 2013

Most countries in Europe synchronize their daylight saving time, which starts from the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October.

below are links to some of the cities which will end DST in the early hours of Sunday, Oct 28, 2012:

Uncertain in Russia

In 2011, then-president Dmitry Medvedev decided to abolish winter time and stay on Daylight Saving Time, also known as "Summer Time", all year round.

However, only a year later, in late September 2012, a proposal for Russia to set the clocks back to standard time permanently was introduced and backed by current president Vladmir Putin. Whether and when this DST change will occur has not yet been made public. It could mean that Russia will follow the rest of Europe and set the clocks back on Sunday, October 28, 2012, but another possibility is that they may wait until spring 2013. timeanddate.com is following this closely and will post updates and amend the DST information for Russia as soon as a public announcement is made.

Countries with no DST

In 2011 Belarus decided not to follow Europe’s DST schedule and now stays on standard time UTC/GMT +3 hours all year round. Iceland also doesn't observe DST, and is on GMT/UTC all year.