Category Archives: ‘Nuff said

An open letter to Apple about iOS and hardware access

On my computer I use an app called f.lux that alters the shading of my screen depending on the time of day. I can’t exaggerate how important this app has become for me — it seems so minor but it’s … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog on GitHub

Quick announcement: The Virtual Multiblog system can now be found on GitHub: The home page is still on this site for discussion and such, but GitHub is your best best for downloading it and getting timely updates. Thanks for … Continue reading

Posted in 'Nuff said, Webcraft | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


This blog has been in a slump for the past couple years.  Or… Perhaps more of a hibernation.  What can I say? Life intervened. At any rate, I’m back, and I’ve been up to a few things.  First and foremost, … Continue reading

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How to Close a WordPress Site

I recently was asked to close down a site I had put up using WordPress. I didn’t want to just delete the whole thing, as I figured somebody might want it put back up in the future. There are several … Continue reading

Posted in 'Nuff said, Webcraft | Tagged , | 10 Comments

Search Everywhere in MySQL

In recent months I’ve been tasked with taking over management of a web site programmed by somebody else. They used Drupal, with which I’m not familiar, and so a big part of the job is simply figuring out how that … Continue reading

Posted in 'Nuff said, Gadgets and Gewgaws, On the Front Lines | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hackbook finale

In between trick-or-treaters I spent today finishing up the repairs to my new/old laptop. The first optical drive I ordered was DOA, so I had to order a new one. Did the swap today. Took a little testing and such, … Continue reading

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Every Halloween costume you ev…

Every Halloween costume you ever had was a failure compared to this: (via @TheBloggess)

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Mac OS 9 lives!

Mac OS 9 lives! And it has a browser:

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