Category Archives: Business

The Stealth Platform

Apple has just just released the Safari web browser for Microsoft Windows. At my count, that makes this the third application (after Quicktime and iTunes) that Apple has ported from Mac-only into the greater world of Windows. The question becomes, … Continue reading

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The Hidden Apple Preview?

Steve Jobs has a secret, and he waved it right in front of you for an hour or so. Did you notice? Continue reading

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“Steve, you bitch.”

Via Brian:

“Geez. You know what this is? It’s the True Video iPod AND the Mac Tablet AND the iPhone.” Continue reading

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“The longest suicide note in history”

The [Windows] Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the longest suicide note in history.

Interesting reading, and it makes me wonder just what the minds in Redmond are thinking. Still trying to control the world I guess. *sigh* Continue reading

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