This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

RESTful Content Syndication


RESTful Syndication allows you to automatically ingest content from other WordPress sites, using the WordPress REST API.

This can allow you to run a network of sites, which all receive the same post content.

There is a small selection of options, allowing you select the author, default post status, automatically create the appropriate terms, and set the Yoast No-Index status.



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/restful-syndication directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->RESTful Syndication screen to configure the plugin
    a. Set the ‘Master Site URL’ to the base URL of the site to pull the content from (e.g.
    b. Username and Password are not required by default (but may be required by the person running the Master Site)
    c. Set the other options as desired
    d. Save your settings
    e. Press the ‘Ingest Posts Now’ button to test it works!

Posts will automatically be ingested every 15 minutes by WP-Cron. There’s also a button to manually pull content on-demand.

If you also control the master site, and use the Yoast SEO plugin, you may want to install this additional plugin:


Do I need to install a plugin on the master site?

No, so long as the master site has the WordPress REST API enabled, then you’re all good to go.

If you use Yoast, you can optionally install to get canonical URLs and Meta Descriptions.

I’m having trouble connecting to a HTTPS Master Site, but HTTP works fine.

Check your web host has installed the appropriate CA Root Certs for PHP’s CURL.

Something isn’t working. What do I do?

Find the PHP Error log for your website/web-server. Any errors from this plugin should be prefixed with ‘RESTful Syndication ERROR’.

Do you provide support?

Commercial support may be available from Media Realm (for a fee). Email us here:

Can you add a certain feature?

You may be able to sponsor feature development. Email us here with your feature request and budget:


February 12, 2019
Thank you so much! This plugin works. Kudos to the developers. I have been searching for forever for a plugin like this. Thank you so much.
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“RESTful Content Syndication” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Handle YouTube embeds, and convert them into the [embed] shortcode


  • Prevent the same image being imported multiple times
  • Fix a pre-PHO 5.6 compatibity issue with the DOM manipulation class


  • Add some handling of HTML5 tags, to convert them into [audio] shortcodes


  • Fix issues with Auto-Publishing, and auto Tag/Category creation (thanks to David from Advantage IT)


  • Add a check to see if the background wp-cron task has dropped off the scheduled tasks list


  • Fix cron timing.


  • Initial public release.