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Tricks with blocks: Reusable blocks, block patterns, and block templates

Photo of
Hosted By
Clare P. and 2 others


In this informal presentation, Clare and Stacy will demo how to build three different kinds of custom block functionality that can make content editing easier for you or your clients.

1. Reusable blocks - make your own content chunk, re-use it anywhere on your site, update it once and it updates everywhere.
2. Block patterns - make a chunk of layout that you can drop pre-built into any page
3. Block templates - set up a configuration that will pre-populate any new page or post you make.

We'll discuss use cases for each of these, so you'll understand which ones will be most helpful for your site.

This functionality comes with the WordPress block editor; it does not require any particular themes or plugins.

Block patterns and block templates require some copy/paste-style code editing in a child theme or functions.php, so this presentation will be slightly technical.


Moving December's meetup a week earlier so there's less conflict with holidays.

We will host zoom meetings until it is safe to return to our in-person meetups. A Zoom link will be generated before the meetup and posted to the event description page.