
Rule of youtube restriction is in KSK but my child can still access youtube link through google app link in chrome homepage

  • 14 October 2021
  • 4 replies


I have premium version of KSK and have a forbidden URL exclusion rule in Internet part of KSK for Youtube URL. The rule will work (restrict access) if you access Youtube by typing in the URL but my child found a loophole and can access Youtube through the Google Apps link on Chrome homepage, then clicking on the Youtube link icon.

KSK will report that my child tried to access Youtube which is forbidden but in reality he can access and watch videos through that method of opening Youtube.

I have :
Windows 10 x64 ver 1607 build 14393.447

Kaspersky Internet Security



Can you please advise how I can also stop my child from accessing Youtube through Google Apps link of Youtube?

Thank you.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello @papapesto


  1. Is your son signing into a Google account?
  2. May we know your son’s birth year? 
  3. Please post an image of the block rule you’ve applied?
  4. KSK version & patch(x) x=letter? 
  • Our test, using KSK, v1.0.5.9008(k)/202106 →  Web activity monitoring, youtube.comForbidden, please see video below






Please let us know?

Thank you:pray_tone3:


Hi Flood,

Hope my answer is sufficient.

  • Is your son signing into a Google account?

Yes. He’s signed to his school’s Google domain account.

  • May we know your son’s birth year? 


  • Please post an image of the block rule you’ve applied?
  • KSK version & patch(x) x=letter? 

KSK v1.0.5.9008(k)/3261530


I tried again accessing Youtube using my son’s account. If I access Youtube through normal URL, access is restricted. But if I access Youtube using Google Apps, access is granted.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello @papapesto

Thank you for the information & image:clap_tone3:

Please do the following:

  1. Ask your son to sign-out of his Google account. 
  2. Create a Windows restore point
  3. Run (Chrome) Restore settings to their original defaults → chrome://settings/reset → note, Bookmarks will not be reset. 
  4. Exit Chrome browser - do not restart atm. 
  5. Run Windows in Safe mode
  6. Delete all files & folders in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp → *USER* = your name & or your son’s name. 
  7. Delete all files & folders in C:\Windows\Temp.  
  8. Return to Windows normal mode. 
  9. Login
  10. Shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login.
  11. (As parent) login to KSK application, not MyKaspersky account
  12. (As parent) run the Manual settings sync
  13. Sign out of KSK app. 
  14. Shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on.
  15. Ask your son to login
  16. Start Chrome as a generic browser, i.e. not with your son signed into his Google account. 
  17. Recheck original issue: “YouTube accessible via Chrome YouTube app, despite KSK Forbidden rule”? 

Please let us know the outcome?

Thank you:pray_tone3:


Hi @Flood and Flood's wife ,

I’ll follow the instruction as best as I can and will let you know how it goes after I come home from work.

Many thanks.
