UNDIP Medical Faculty

The Excellent Research University

Medical Faculty News

Filling in Alumni Data

Filling in Alumni Data

It is hereby conveyed that Alumni have a very strategic role for the development and advancement of Diponegoro University at present and in the future. Various inputs from alumni play a role in the...

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Webinar – Book Review

Webinar – Book Review

Undip Faculty of Medicine held the topic of General Pathobiology Book Review. With discussants Dr. dr. an Wisnu Prajoko, M.Kes, Sp.B (Head of the Master of Biomedical Science Study Program, FK...

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Summer course online

Summer course online

DIPONEGORO COURSE ON TROPICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES Focused on Leprosy and Tuberculosis COURSE DESCRIPTION This course of infectious diseases is hosted by Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University...

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UNDIP Alumni Say :


Alumni Sarjana Arsitektur dari Fakultas Teknik UNDIP Semarang angkatan 1978 ini sudah berbisnis sejak masih kuliah.
- Setyo Maharso -

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