
Make your donation count!

All donations are Tax deductible. ASSITEJ SA is a registered nonprofit organisation with SECTION 18A status. To receive a receipt of payment and a SECTION 18A certificate, email our Finance Manager, Nkosivumile Lusu, on [email protected] with your donation amount, donation date, full name and contact details. 


  • Bank Account number: 1944 208 127
  • Branch Code: 194405
  • Name of Accountholder: ASSITEJ South Africa
  • Name of Bank: Nedbank
Pay Pal

You can make a payment using the safe and secure channel of PayPal. Use [email protected] for the email.


You can make a once off or recurring donation through the GivenGain platform. Take a Child to the Theatre Today!

My School My Village My Planet

You can also sign up for My School card and choose us as one of your beneficiaries. Whenever you use your card to all allocated stores, a small amount is donated towards the beneficiary you have selected.

Crowd Funding

From time to time, ASSITEJ SA runs campaigns linked to specific projects or promotes crowd funding projects of our members.