Data privacysecurityownership
in every conversation

Real-time conversations with your colleagues, other companies or customers.
Rocket.Chat does everything other platforms do, except exposing your data.

🚨 New integration alert: Rocket.Chat and WhatsApp Business

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Trusted by 12M+ users in over 150 countries

Talk to colleagues

Enable teams to collaborate with real-time chat, audio, file sharing and video calls.

Talk to other companies

Communicate in real-time with partners, vendors, suppliers or any external organization.

Talk to customers

Communicate in real-time with partners, vendors, suppliers or any external organization.

Talk to the apps you love

Integrate the tools you need and custom apps right into Rocket.Chat to streamline workflows.

Talk to colleagues

Enable teams to collaborate with real-time chat, audio, file sharing and video calls.

Talk to other companies

Communicate in real-time with partners, vendors, suppliers or any external organization.

Talk to customers

Talk to visitors and customers in one place, regardless of how they connect with you.

Talk to the apps you love

Explore our marketplace to find and build custom apps that streamline your workflows.

The Rocket.Chat difference

  1. SaaS or Self-hosted
    Control over the stewardship of your data.
  2. Privacy & security first
    E2E encryption, ISO 27001 certified and compliant with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD  and HIPAA.
  3. Full access to the code
    Unlimited customizations, security assurances and ability to contribute to the roadmap.
  4. Every conversation, every channel
    Talk to colleagues, partners, vendors, website visitors, or customers, regardless of the channel they choose to connect with you.

Words from our security-centered customers


“Everyone at Volkswagen is very happy with Rocket.Chat. It speeds up collaboration and accelerates timelines significantly.”

“Everyone at Volkswagen is very happy with Rocket.Chat. It speeds up collaboration and accelerates timelines significantly.”
Stefan Teubner
IT Project Leader, Audi Business Innovation GmbH

“Rocket.Chat met all requirements from the US government”

"We needed a highly secure messaging platform to communicate across US government agencies. Rocket.Chat met all of our requirements."
Niki Papazoglakis
CEO at Bridge 4 Public Safety, funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

“The product works flawlessly and the support is excellent.”

"I learned with Rocket.Chat how to embrace open source all the way. The product works flawlessly and the support is excellent. We’re getting a very good service from them".
Oliver Jägle
Software-Developer at DB Systel

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Collaborate with millions of users and developers who are improving the way the world communicates.